Welcome to List Building Secrets
- In this course I'm going to teach you how to add subscribers to your email list and get paid at the same time.
- I learned how to do this from taking a course called Funnel Vision by Dr. Ben Adkins where he did a case study of his own. I've adapted his methods to make my own funnel, and now you can too.
- There are some paid tools that I'll recommend, but if you have alternative tools that you're comfortable with then that's fine too.
- Way too many people come to me talking about how they need traffic. But before you need traffic, you need something to send it to that will make you money.
- You want to be sending people through a sales funnel that will convert the traffic into both new email subscribers, establish your authority and trust, AND make you money at the same time.
- When getting started you should be thinking about what your end goal is for the subscriber. There should be a BIGGER goal than simply making $7. You should be preparing them to buy whatever high ticket items you have in the future. For example, my high ticket item is coaching, so all my training is used to give amazing value, prove that I know that I'm talking about, and then eventually a percentage of those people will eventually join my coaching as they will know, like, and trust me.
1. Create a Teaser Product
- A teaser product is a peek into what your One time offer product will be. It needs to be something that has enough value for someone to want to give their real email address for.
- You should teach something that will make the subscriber understand that you're the real deal. If you give them garbage then they will think your paid product is garbage as well. The idea is that they'll be thinking "If the free content is this good then the paid content must be AMAZING".
- Examples of teaser products can be case studies, interviews, mini-tutorials...anything that has real value. You can even use the first video from your course as the teaser product.
- This is my teaser product: https://mikefrommaine.com/1435-98-case-study/
- I recommend doing videos as they are easy to create, build trust, and you can show a lot of proof while creating them.
- You can record your teaser product with Google Hangouts or http://screencast-o-matic.com for free
- I personally use Screenflow on a Mac to record mine
- At the end of the teaser product you should talk about what they learned and what the next logical step is. You can tell people if they're interested in going to the next level that they can sign up for your OTO 1 course (you'll have the buy now button below)
- *If you go the affiliate route then you don't need to create any more One time offers
2. Create an OTO Product
- This is going to be the thing they get if they buy your offer.
- It should be the next logical thing that will build on what you've just given them for free.
- It can be a continuation of a course, a better version of a software, or additional training, but it needs to have an obvious connection to what you've given them for free.
- The best OTOs are products that you create yourself, but you can also get products to sell at ResellRightsWeekly.com or promote an affiliate product.
- Here's my OTO: https://mikefrommaine.com/oto-page/
- If you already have a squeeze page creator go ahead and use it, but I'm going to show you how to do it with Thrive Landing Pages.
- I also use Lead Pages, but it's a bit expensive
- You need a headline to get people's attention. Think to yourself "Would I give my email for this?"
4. Make the sales video
- Here is mine: https://mikefrommaine.com/oto-page/
- In this video you'll want to do the following:
- 1. Congratulate the person on taking action
- 2. Tell them that their free gift is on its way
- 3. Teach them 3 things that they're going to be learning in the teaser product
- 4. Tell them that there's something that they're not getting that will make everything easier...or take them to the next level
- 5. Also remind them that they're still getting some thing for free, but they can get a special deal on your OTO if they buy now.
- You can record this with Powerpoint on PC or Keynote on Mac
5. Setup the sales video Page
- We'll be creating a simple page with Thrive Landing Pages
- We'll be setting up the page in Wordpress
- We will also setup a product in Jvzoo
- We'll connect your Get Response account (or Aweber) to Jvzoo to get the buyer leads
- Here's mine: https://mikefrommaine.com/oto-page/
5A. Connecting your Thank You page to your Autoresponder
6. Setup your Teaser Product Download/OTO sales page
- This page is designed to both deliver your Teaser Product to those who have given you a REAL email address and clicked on your link...and it's designed to sell your OTO
7.Setup OTO Download page
- You just need to make a simple page to put your product download on.
- Don't worry about complicated membership plugins...in the future you can learn that, but don't over-complicate things
- Set autoresponder settings to unsubscribe from "Free" list and subscribe to "Buyers" list
- Here's mine: https://mikefrommaine.com/affiliate-income-secrets-download-page-22-22-33/
Video 7a Adding your Download page to Jvzoo
8. Setup OTO 2 Sales page
- The OTO 2 is simply going to be a continuation of the learning process.
- For example, in the Teaser product you could teach how to do create a Wordpress Website. Then in the 1st OTO product you teach how to monetize it with affiliate offers. Then in the OTO 2 you teach how to create your own offers...etc.
- Just think "what's the next logical step"
- You can price this at whatever you like, but a $17-$27 dimesale has been proven to work for many. If your main product is $17-$27 then you'd price this at $27-$37.
- You can optionally create more OTOs
- Here's my OTO 2 sales page: https://mikefrommaine.com/review-video-secrets-oto/
9. Make OTO 2 sales video
- This will simply be a video congratulating them on making a great choice in purchasing the first OTO.
- You want to tell them a little bit about what they're getting inside the course they just purchased.
- Then you want to tell them what they're not getting. You can explain that you've created a special course to help them with the next logical step.
- Here's mine: https://mikefrommaine.com/review-video-secrets-oto/
10. Conclusion and Wrap Up
- Make sure you double check that everything is working before you start sending traffic. If you can, get a friend to buy your product to make sure that the delivery method is working.
- I'm going to walk you through everything again now.
12. Traffic Method #2 Bonus download
- If you promote products as an affiliate a lot of times people will say "thank you" by putting your teaser banner in their download areas for their products.
- As a rule, I only ask people to do this if I'm actually promoting their product and I'll be sending sales to them.
- You can also do swaps with other product creators. You put your download link on their page and they put theirs on yours.
- These optins are worth more than normal optins because the person has already bought something...thus the odds they'll buy something else in the future is much higher than someone who has never purchased anything.
13. Traffic Method #3 Solo Ads
- Be careful with this method. I've spent around $5,000 on solo ads, and most people do this wrong.
- You'll have a HUGE advantage now that you have a sales funnel.
- You can buy clicks from places like http://www.soloadsx.com , http://zamuraiblogger.com/solo-ad-directory/, and even my solo ad directory https://mikefrommaine.com/solo-ad-directory/
- Make sure you track everything. I recommend Click Magick to track your clicks and conversions. Improvely is also a great tool.
- Just as a side note, this could have been a perfect opportunity for me to include a One Time Offer on solo ads. I've introduced you to them, I could put an OTO on buying traffic without losing money OR even a list of the top solo ad providers. Now, as a marketer you should always be thinking about the next thing you can include to help people along their journey...and put some money in your bank account while doing it :-)