Welcome to Affiliate Income Secrets!!!
Sign up for the free training where I show you the backend of my business and answer all your questions. I'm going to open up my accounts so you can see inside and I won't leave the webinar until all your questions have been answered...even if it takes all night :-) Make sure you mark your calendar for Wednesday, November 12th at 3pm EDT
Watch all the videos below to get a full understanding of how I've been able to go from zero to over $10,000 online following simple business principles
*For better viewing watch the videos in FULL SCREEN mode
My website: This is my "home base" where I run my business
Episodes: Here's a list of all the experts I've interviewed (over 400)
Income Reports: Here's where I track my expenses and profits each month
Video One - Your Home Base
My Home Base: This is where I live online
Video Two - Start Now!!!
My About Me page: This is where I tell my story
Video Three - Know Your Numbers
Income Reports: Here's where I track my expenses and profits each month
Video Four - Audience Relationships 101
Video Five - Authority by Association
Video Six - Value, Value, Value
Video Seven - Networking
Video Eight - Build your list
Aweber: Start building your list for $1 with this auto responder
Warrior Forum: This is a great place to build your email list when you put your squeeze page link in your signature
Solo Ad Directory: My list of solo ad providers and results that I've had
Video Nine - Create Products
Video Ten - Where the heck is the money?
MunchEye: You can find affiliate products to promote that will make you money before you have your own product
Video Eleven - The Secret to Scaling
Video Twelve - How the heck do I get started?
My "Pillar Post"- This is where I have my story
Now that you know the general idea behind my business, now it's YOUR turn to repeat my results. Below you'll find ACTIONABLE training on how I make over $277 per day in affiliate commissions. Watch all the videos and then take action!
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