Episode 86: How to create a product and get paid over and over again – with Tom Ness

Nothing is better then doing work ONCE and getting paid multiple times for it. Tom Ness has perfected this by releasing a product on multiple platforms, making small changes each time, yet still providing enough incredible value to be able to profit from each venture. In today’s interview you’ll learn about how you too can profit from Tom’s work.

Watch the show below: Duration: 23:10

Stuff mentioned in the show

Lifestyle Diet Makeover PLR (affiliate)- Tom’s PLR product where he actually does the diet himself

  1. Hey Mike (and Tom),

    Loved the interview, and actually got to see Tom looking all skinny after his diet program, good job buddy!

    BTW, left you a review on iTunes Mike.

    All the best,


    1. Dan,

      Glad you liked it…thanks for the review on iTunes!

      One of the things that really caught my eye about this product is that Tom ACTUALLY did the diet. That’s commitment!

  2. Mike,
    I really enjoyed this interview with Tom. I listen via podcasts and listened to about 5 interviews today. This one with Tom stood out the most. Really interesting the way he packaged up the product and put it out so many different ways. I don’t know all the technical nuts and bolts of using the Warrior Forum and the JV area, but somehow this made sense here. Great to hear about brothers working together, too. I’m trying to do the same with my brother.

    Keep up the great work, Mike. I left you a review on iTunes today.

    1. Brian,

      I really liked this one, too. I think Tom is on to something here with repackaging content the way he does. Love it.

      Thanks for the review!

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