Episode 372
It’s a shame how so many beginner product creators put all their time into their products and a tiny fraction into their sales letters. One thing you need to drill into your mind is that your sales letter is as important, if not MORE important than the product you’ve created. Why? If your sales letter doesn’t convert traffic into buyers then NO ONE will get the opportunity to consume the amazing product that you’ve put so much time and effort into.
However, the problem is that writing a converting sales letter is a skill. It’s something that takes time to learn, and if you do it wrong your product launch will be DOOMED to fail. Luckily, there’s a solution that will create sales letter for you that adhere to the established selling formula that expert copywriters use every day. It’s called Five Minute Sales Letters.
Today, Matt Cook is on the show to talk about what you need to include in a sales letter that converts, and also to give us a demo of his Five Minute Sales Letters software.
Watch the show below: [leadplayer_vid id=”53543F7642EC6″]
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