Episode 172
Everyone needs traffic…it’s the currency of the Internet. But to get all this delicious traffic you need to spend either time or money. Dave Gruber and Matt Bacak are on the show today to talk their Secret Millionaire’s Traffic Source that lets them drive THOUSANDS of visitors to their website for pennies on the dollar.
Watch the show below: Duration: 59:07
[leadplayer_vid id=”51BB7FE3E054F”]Stuff mentioned in the show
Secret Millionaire’s Traffic Source (CLOSED)- Matt Bacak’s CPV traffic driving method
Thanks for having us on! I really enjoyed it
Are you the guy that invented the internet?
Ive been on at least one of Matts email list for years so I know hes been around for a long time. I have been online marketing since 95 or 96 to some small degree (hobby) and I can’t remember not knowing his name. Actually nice to finally hear and see his story. Just thought Id speak up because it sounded a little insane but, He has definitely been around. Don’t know China Dave but pretty cool history, similar to mine but sounds like your on whole other level.