Episode 63: How to position yourself above the rest for SEO success – with Lisa Parmley

On today’s Mike From Maine Show I interview Lisa Parmley about the state of SEO in an the ever-changing Google algorithmic environment. Lisa is widely known and respected as an SEO expert and she provides some valuable insight.

Watch the show below: Duration: 40:58

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  1. Mike,

    I think the whole point of what Lisa discussed in the interview is that SEO is not dead, it just takes a whole lot more work, time and planning to create quality sites with quality content. There will always be a black and a white way of doing things, but because of all the changes the white way will create sustained credibility and ultimate success. Thanks for this quality content Mike.


    1. Jeff,

      I think that anyone who is out there trying to find the next loophole in Google is just going to be digging their own grave. Yes, there will always be ways of “tricking” the search engines, but they are not long-term strategies. Eventually you’ll get slapped.

      In the past I was creating a lot of niche sites with just a few pieces of content on them, and they were making me a stable income, but like anything this “loop hole” came to an end. I feel much more comfortable with my current business model of interviewing amazing people and creating content that will be around forever.

  2. I enjoyed this interview thank you. Towards the end, speaking of listing profits and expenses, culture in the US is changing drastically and there is an abundance of new envy and jealousy that was surely different around 4 years ago.

    While I enjoy success and reading about it, I do understand Lisa’s stance on keeping that out now. I will surely catch some more interviews, thanks again.

    1. Steven,

      For me personally I feel that if I ask people how much they make in my interviews then I should also show it on my site.

      1. I would also post it as well. I was just speaking on the point that Lisa stated she stopped posting her income on her blog. While I personally like to read about the income of other successful blogs as allot of others, there are many people that do not in today’s heavily changing society. Perhaps Lisa does not feel comfortable posting income each month due to the new entitlement breed.

  3. Really great interview, I 100% agree with what you and Lisa talked about on the future of ranking sites. But I feel that there was something missing in this interview.

  4. In regards to the discussing around sharing income reports:

    I understand why Lisa does not share her income anymore, but it has been very interesting and valuable to watch you, Mike, transition over the past few months. You’ve proven that if you hustle, you will eventually get results. Watching you grow this interview business, while providing a lot of value for you readers/viewers has been very interesting. I’m sure it has been a lot of work, but you’re getting results, and they are going to get better and better every month.

    1. Casandra,

      It’s been “interesting” for me as well. Of course, I had hoped to still have more Adsense revenue coming in at this time, but sometimes things don’t work out as you’ve planned. My journey is a great example of why you should always be diversifying your sources of income because you never know when one of them could simply fall off the face of the Earth.

      Thanks for your support!

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