-I find something that's hot in the market. I either make it myself or find someone who knows it but doesn't know how to make their own product and launch with them
-Once you have your product in mind, the most important thing is traffic…therefore JVs are the most important
-People will mail for you 'cause they are friends with you ONCE. You need to treat this like a business.
-If a sales page takes more than 3 seconds to load then you lose 80% of your sales
-He tried to brake even on the launch costs and then make the money on the backend with affiliate promotions
-If the EPCs are above a dollar people will mail more than once, under $1 then just once
-One of the biggest bigger mistakes is writing your own copy and not having anyone look at it until you launch
-A launch is all about math…it doesn't matter how much you spend as long as you make it back
-What are you already good at? You can't put restrictions on what you do.
-Go to http://colintheriot.com/ for sales letter edits for $500
-You don't need super amazing graphics, but you should at least have some
-You can get most work done on Fiverr for pretty cheap if you take it seriously but you have to take the time to scroll through and find the talent
-Jonathan suggests using the WP Enlighten plugin because it makes sales pages that differ from the traditional Optimize Press sales page
-As long as your sales page is clean and the flow makes sense then it should be OK
-Having a fast-loading sales page is more important than fancy graphics, but it needs to be professional
-You need to take your business seriously
-Jonathan invested $7,000 in his first WSO launch. You need to take your launch seriously…it's not free money.
-Coaching is "crazy cheap".
-Why do people want this, does it benefit them, does it fulfill a need, does it provide value
-the higher percentage you give affiliates the more sales you will make
-Product quality, EPC, and JV Page are the most important
-The JV page is 10 times more important than your sales page
-Why should you mail for me? High epcs, I'll mail for you back, I win contests…what can you offer?
-The cornier your JV page the better…just stand out from the crowd
-Identity is EVERYTHING. You need to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Know who you are and project it.
-If someone asks you why they should mail for you then you should answer - "I made an amazing product that your list is going to like, that's going to improve your relationship with your list, that's going to help the people on your list have more success in their online life."