Episode 306
If you’ve been trying and struggling to make money online then this might be the interview for you.
Mike Balmaceda is on the show today to talk about how he’s been able to get sales for his Kindle books AND add subscribers to his email list with his secret method which he reveals in his Kindle Giveaway Guru course.
So Mike,
You mentioned that your mother gave your book a bad review. I assume that was a bad choice of ghost writer. You didn’t discuss the best way to guarantee getting a good product, that is, picking an excellent ghost writer. I am assuming that Mike B. starts out with a good product. In your review I would like to here if this product covers outsourcing? And the cost of a good ghost writer.
And one other thing. Mike, you always make fun of IM guys that make false claims in their headlines, ie “Press the Magic Button and Watch the Money Roll IN”. Where did you get the “NO WORK” headline above?
A friendly critique from,
Great to hear from you.
Yes, the ghost writer wasn’t “horrible” but I could have written it much better than they did.
I’ll let you know in the review tomorrow more about the details.
Thanks for mentioning the “no work” aspect. That’s something I pulled from Mike’s description of the method. Of course there is “work” involved with anything, but the “no work” mentioned here is in regard to the fact that you don’t need to recruit JV partners or spend a lot of money. Perhaps “little work” would be better