Mike From Maine's Amazing Bonus
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If you missed the OTOs you can check them out in your members area of My Video Spy.
OTO 1 MVS Elite
Our Elite level will allow you to unlock the full potential of MyVideoSpy. This will take your account up to 250 keywords searches a month, up to 50 keyword suggestions per search, analyze up to 100 videos a month, Track up to 100 videos, create up to 100 live-listings per month AND you’ll be able to use MVS for your clients as well and charge a HEFTY recurring fee.
OTO 2 MVS Academy
Here we will be revealing our ENTIRE video ranking strategies from start to finish. You’ll see us use MyVideoSpy to claim MULTIPLE page 1 rankings in multiple different niches and keywords. This will be over-the-shoulder training so you see EVERY step of the process. You’ll see the type of keywords we like to target and why, how we leverage YT live events, how we get our videos on our listings once we rank, how we optimize our campaigns and much much more! This will start at $24.95 and rise in price via dimesale.
Video Chief + SyndLab combo
Video Chief is our database of DONE-FOR-YOU videos. We have over 1200 videos in over 4 DOZENS different niches. Plus our SyndLab platform will take care of your video syndication to solidify your page 1 rankings even further. Syndlab syndicates your content to over 30+ different sites in a matter of minutes! This will be a one-time payment of $67
MVS Sub-Spies
We all reach a point where it’s time to outsource parts of our business. Doing the research, analysis and campaign creation are usually at the top of the list of things that get outsourced first. With this upgrade you’ll be fully-prepared for when that shift happens for you (if it hasn’t happened already). This will allow you to give sub-access to your account to your VA’s to perform searches, analyze competitors and create live-listings on your behalf. We’ll have 2 sub-spy licenses for $47 and 5 sub-spy licenses for $67
Mike Thomas (Mike From Maine)
Affiliate Disclaimer: You can assume that I will receive a commission if you purchase anything on this page through my link. As always you should do your own due diligence. Just because someone else has gotten a result does not mean that you will achieve the same result. I have done my best to verify any claims made from the vendor, but as always if you have any questions you'd like me to ask them I'm happy to be an intermediary. This site is not a get rich quick scheme, as the only way you'll ever make any money in this world is through good old-fashioned work.