​​​​Product of the Week – April 21st to April 27th, 2014


Every week I get my hands on a lot of different Internet Marketing products and services. I always get asked about which ones I recommend, so I’ve decided to publish a “Product of the Week” each week to highlight the “Best of the Best”. Sometimes it’s difficult to choose, but in the long run you’ll have a list of quality  and trusted products to choose from. Enjoy!

And the winner is…CPA Quick Strike!!!

cpa quick strike

Damon Korte and Timothy Miranda have released, yet again, another great way of driving cheap traffic to CPA offers that convert into money in our pockets. What I like best about this one is that Damon was able to show me proof of his results in his interview with me. Also, they give you the opportunity to see the exact offers and keywords that they used if you pick up the One Time Offer.

My review: Click here to check out my review

My interview with Damon Korte: Click here to watch the interview

CPA Quick Strike Bonuses!

Buy through my link above and you’ll get the following special bonuses. Just email your receipt to mike@mikefrommaine.com

Bonus #1 – WP Squeeze Question Plugin ($47 value)
Ask The Question … Get The Lead With This Handy WordPress Plugin! Create professional email opt-in survey questionaire pages in your wordpress blog!



Bonus #2 – WP Shortcode CTA Plugin ($37 value)
Create Amazing Call To Action Buttons With This Easy To Use WordPress Plugin! Create amazing call-to-action button shortcodes to show offers, coupons and even collect email leads!



Bonus #3- WP Pop Box Plugin ($27 value)
Simply Fast PopUps With This Amazing WordPress Plugin! Create all types of pop ups for your blog and create a featured popup!




Bonus #4 –WP Buzz Machine Plugin ($27 value)
Funny Viral List Building Machine WordPress Plugin! Create highly sharable memes about your product, service or business and much more!




Bonus #5 – Cracking The CPA Code ($17 value)

Secrets to making money with CPA offers