Check out my Profit Sourcery review below
ProfitSourcery is web-based software which gives users profitable arbitrage options daily. Step by step training gets you up and running in minutes, and shows how you can let Amazon do all the work while you just collect your profits.
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Click here ProfitSourcery along with my special bonuses
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Hello Mike
this is an awsome opportunity, thank you for messaging about it.
But we dont really understand, it shows just an opportunity if you are living in the us, or u.k ?
We are living now in Germany, and we have our amazon seller account alredy.
This opportunity would be great to gain rewards from it, so, that we dont really have much time for it.
Would it be working for us too ?
Thank you for your support and have a nice day.
I think you really need to be in the US or UK for this.
Hi there,
I like the sound of Profit Sorcery but I live in New Zealand which is a long way away form world markets and can’t see how this product will work from here. It expensive by US standards to send stuff overseas. I am figuring that the cost of have something sent all the way to me and then sending to Amazon will completely eat away any potential profits. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Kind regards,
Yeah, you’d need to be in the US or UK.