ManageWP: $147
Pingler: $5
Aweber: $1
Social Adr: $94
Ezarticle link subscription: $30
Free Jing and ScreenCast Subscription for
easily explaining things to workers : $10
Whoosh (CLOSED) rank tracking subscription: $50
EZarticle spin credits: $480
Copyscape: $25
AMR/UAW outsourcing: $360
Odesk writing and outsourcing: $2,097
Domains and hosting: $1,577
website creation outsourcing: $22
Header: $198
Content Domination: $17.30
Total expenses: $5,014
WPGoldmine commission (CLOSED): $9
Text link ads: $95
Private sale: $140
Adsense: $2,268
Total Revenue: $2,512
Total Profit: $-2,502
How can I say “profit is on the horizon” when I lost more this month than any other month? The reason is because my hard work is starting to pay off. I’ll point out why:
1. The sites I made 3 months ago are starting to rank in the search engines.
2. I had 4 $100 Adsense days in April.
3. My total Adsense went up $468 from the previous month, even after some older sites got hit by the lovely Google Penguin Update.
4. I have my first website on Flippa to start building trust as an honest website seller. The site I’m selling is HERE
I’m going to keep trucking along. I’ll also be releasing some more sites for sale on Flippa in the near future. Stay tuned!
All businesses take time to be profitable. Looks like you have a good long term plan in place.
Yes, it takes time for these things to work out. Actually, if I stopped building websites today I could take in $1200-$2000 in profit this month, but I choose to build for the long term.
It’s hard to say what your doing because we don’t know how many sites your servicing and how many articles getting outsourced. You could be building 50 sites per week, but your expenses are clearly eating into your profits. Based on the Peguin update I’m focusing less on quantity of sites and more on content per site, so I’m building up not out.
Be interesting to see your May income.
Keep up the good work
Most of my costs are on outsourcing website creation, link building, and article writing…basically the whole website creation process.
I really hope you start to see some profit in the next couple months in your updates for your sake. You are a braver person than me losing that kind of money each month on this project.
Hope you do very, very well with your first Flippa sale.
Thanks for your kinds words. I’m sure I’ll start seeing some profit soon
Wow, the is a pretty big negative number!
Yeah, it’s nice and big
In the last few months I’ve spent quite a bit of money to build up my portfolio quickly…stay tuned to see the results.