ManageWP: $111
Pingler: $5
Aweber: $20
Social Adr: $94
Ezarticle link subscription: $30
Free Jing and ScreenCast Subscription for
easily explaining things to workers : $10
Whoosh rank tracking subscription: $99
EZarticle spin credits: $0
Copyscape: $0
Article Marketing Robot and Unique Article Wizard outsourcing: $240
Odesk writing, research, and outsourcing: $699.95
Go Daddy domains and Host Gator hosting: $484.47
website creation outsourcing: $20
Header: $56
Flippa: $29
Warrior Forum Ad: $20
Camtasia: $77
Extra copy of Long Tail Pro: $77
Total expenses: $2,072.42
Text link ads: $96.31
Website sales: $1,049.12
Adsense: $2,872.63
Total Revenue: $4,018.06
Total Profit: $1,945.64
Finally a nice chunk of profit! I’m going to give myself a nice pat on the back for this one since I’m finally seeing some results after all my hard work. May has been a big month for me. Why, you may ask?
1. I sold my first site on Flippa
2. I set up my own market place for selling sites.
3. I sold over $650 in Adsense Booster sites directly from my market place page.
4. I increased my Adsense revenue by $628.74 (a 28% increase).
5. I had eleven days where I made over $100 in Adsense, including one day where I made $161.11.
So yes, it’s been a good month. Currently I’m working on building about 100 more sites in June and selling some of the niche sites I’ve already made to raise money for more site building. If you’re interested in buying some niche sites that are steadily earning money and ranking on the first page in Google.
I also currently have a Flippa auction up with a site that is waaaaay under-valued right now. It’s made $137 in the last 30 days and is in the top spots in Google.
The other big news is I’ve been working on my free niche site course to give away to all you guys. Once it’s ready I’ll be announcing it and giving away a niche website. Stay tuned.
Thank you all for your support and I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Hey Mike,
Congratulations. Great to hear that you seem to be on the right track now and that you make profit now. I am looking forward to your next articles. I wish I would be there soon, but have no time to work on my sites at the moment, because my company keeps me busy.
Thanks for the congrats. Everything seems to be in order now. I’m just going to keep making websites and selling them. Hopefully I’ll be hitting 5 figure income months in the near future.
Really great results Mike! Finally in the green.
If you decide to join the challenge, I'm pretty sure you will kill it.
Yeah, I’m also pretty happy to be in the green.
We’ll see about the challenge. It sounds interesting. Keep me updated.
Well Done Mike… It's great to see a profit and it should keep growing now.. just goes to show that Penguin wasn't all negative..
I the stupid Penguin only affected my sites that I sent WAAAAY too many links to. Small niche sites only need a small amount of links to rank if the competition is low enough.
Awesome Mike,
The best colour to be in is the GREEN.
Nice to see people are hungry for those niche sites.
Nice job. I especially like that your adsense increased in such turbulent times. Also like that you are selling sites directly from your blog. Good going!
Thanks, Manyu. I think selling directly from my site is the way to go. I will occasionally sell on Flippa to bring more visitors to my site.
I came here from flippa. I readed your a few posts you're doing really nice. I will follow your future posts surely.
Good luck.
Also, i see you're logged in to flippa from Turkey. I'm also from Turkey.
Hi Mehmet,
Thanks for visiting. I’m actually not from Turkey, but I’m living in Istanbul right now.
Do you use custom channels in your adsense? If so, might be a good blog post
I only use custom channels to group my site income by month.
Hey Mike,
The AdSense Flippers won't stop talking about you, so I had to come over here and see what all the fuss was about. Nice work buddy!
Looks like you've got some serious traction here. Keep it up man, this is going to be a fun ride to watch!
I hope they’re saying good things. I’ve enjoyed listening to you in the podcasts…I’m glad they’re finally giving you some air time
I’ll be really interested to see what you do after working with them. It’s a great opportunity for you to branch off in the future with your own brand.
This has indeed been quite the opportunity. We'll see where it leads in the future!
Yeah, they speak really highly of you. Justin is supper excited that you've done so well with this model. He really likes to see people actuall DO the stuff they talk about.
Thanks for the podcast love. They're usually willing to let me chime in on the podcast, but more times than not I'm buried deep in code!
Mike, I see you spend a lot on your internet business and you spend wisely too. I see you making thousands of dollars from adsense very soon. I mean $10k or more. Just continue building those site and try divert a bit from adsense alone site. Don't put all your eggs in one basket for the sake of business.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I’m trying to diversify my income and branch out right now.
Hey Mike,
That's great to see you doing well with your journey. I'm curious to know where you're finding people to buy your sites at private sale. We are also doing private sales on our site, but we'd really love to increase the amount of buyers for this.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m finding most of my buyers through Flippa and previous customers. It was a slow start but it’s really been picking up lately.
Love your site.
Hey, great blog and lifestyle, Mike! Glad to have stumbled upon you.
Thanks for stopping by. The niche site lifestyle sure is great.