Adsense: $985
Text link ads: $50
Special income: $145
Total Income: $1,180
BMR outsourcing: $30
Social Adr: $38
EZarticle spin credits: $60
Ezarticle link subscription: $30
AMR/UAW outsourcing: $60
WPG subscription: $20
Hosting: $10
Odesk writing: $85
Total expenses: $333
Profit: $847
November was my best month on the Internet in 3 years. I spent about $70 more in expenses but I more than DOUBLED my total profit. Plus I added more than 25 pieces of new content with links so that should help to continue increasing my income for the month of December.
Mike, perhaps I missed it where you may have established the tenet that you will not monetize this site w/ affiliate income, but why aren’t you.
What, like 5x/week you’re interviewing product making people, most of whom I assume offer an affiliate program.
Learn about a product here, like it, click the affiliate link, buy the product and Mike gets a referral fee.
Joe, this update is from November, 2011. I think you found it through Twitter. I’m putting affiliate links on most of my interviews now…don’t worry
Yep, Mike, you’re right, got the link from following you on Twitter… really short-sighted of me not to note the 2011 date.
Given your affiliate piece of the monetization pie, I think your online business model (interviewing info product makers) is brilliant.
A thought: You might suggest that those you interview put a teaser about the interview on their web site. You could write it so it’s a no-brainier for them. If they have good traffic, could make a difference to yours.
Moreover, though I’m far from being an expert on SEO, but my sense is that if this site had transcriptions of the video interviews, your SEO traffic would surge , and thus would your income.
After all, once the honeymoon period is over, Tugba may crack the whip… you know, kids are expensive.
Congratulations on your marriage!
No problem…I would assume it was a recent post as well.
Most of the time my guests write a quick post about the interview, share it on Facebook, and/or send a link to their followers about it. They are excited to share it.
I’ve recently started putting up transcripts of all my interviews. If you look at the recent ones there is usually a transcript up within a few days of publishing.
Thanks for watching!