Episode 716

Online prospects are more likely to buy or join a list when they see others doing the same. Now you can instantly notify visitors to ANY site or page of product sales, number of bonuses left or even subscriptions to a list. Real social proof plus scarcity means a huge increase in conversions.
Today Sam Bakker is providing a demo of his Social Pop software to show how it increases YOUR conversions from the same traffic. Combine real scarcity and social proof for an overnight increase in sales and leads.
Watch the show below
Sales Page Preview

Social Pop Bonuses
Buy through my link above and you’ll get the following special bonuses. Just email your receipt to

Bonus #1– Internet Marketing Secrets ($47 value)

This Internet Marketing Book Will Make You a Smarter Marketer!
Bonus #2– Internet Marketing Bible ($37 value)

A Powerful Guide on a High Money-Making Online Business!
Bonus #3– WP Profit Doubler ($27 value)

Double Your Chances Of Generating Profits From Visitors!
Bonus #4 – WP Social Proof ($57 value)

Use the crowd to sell more products!
Bonus #5 – Easy Upsell Pro ($67 value)

A Quick And Easy Way To Create Thank You Pages!