How to actually MAKE money buying solo ads


Episode 422

solo ad professorThere’s no faster way to build an email list than buying solo ads. All you have to do is pay an email list owner $.30-$.50 per click and they’ll send traffic to your squeeze page all day long. However, the hard part is actually making enough money from those new subscribers  so that it outweighs the cost of the solo ad….and that’s what today’s guest has figured out.

Today Paul Nicholls is on the show to talk about how makes money buying solo ads and teaches it in his Solo Ad Professor course.

Watch the show below:

Solo Ad Professor Bonuses

Buy through my link above and you’ll get the following special bonuses. Just email your receipt to

Bonus #1 Surefire Solo Ads ($17 value)

Build a Profitable High Converting List from Solo Ads!

Bonus #2 Solo Ad Secrets ($7 value)

Using Solo Ads For Traffic!

Bonus #3- Your First Email List eCourse ($27 value) 

Be Introduced To The Many Benefits Of List Building!

Bonus #4 – Email Marketing Riches ($37 value) 

Secrets to Cashing in with Emails!

Bonus #5 – Instant Squeeze Page Maker ($47 value) 

Easy Way To Create A Complete Squeeze Page In Seconds!


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