ManageWP: $49
Pingler: $5
Aweber: $20
Social Adr: $94
Ezarticle link subscription: $30
Free Jing and ScreenCast Subscription for
easily explaining things to workers : $10
Whoosh (CLOSED) rank tracking subscription: $99
EZarticle spin credits: $480
Copyscape: $0
Article Marketing Robot and Unique Article Wizard outsourcing: $360
Odesk writing, research, and outsourcing: $912.19
Go Daddy domains and Host Gator hosting: $1,769.17
website creation outsourcing: $20
Header: $5
Flippa: $235
Fiverr: $5
Welcome Splash Plugin: $17
Total expenses: $4,110.36
Text link ads: $83.92
Odesk: $50
Ezarticle link: $51
CTR Theme: $212.98
Long Tail Pro: $79.47
Website sales: $6,393.72
Adsense: $3,278.85
Total Revenue: $10,149.94
Total Profit: $6,039.58
Woah, this was a busy and big month! Things have really started to come together with website sales, Adsense earnings, and a few affiliate sales here and there. It’s already half way through July, and let’s just say that things are carrying on in this great positive way.
So, what was new in June? I put a few sites up on Flippa which got me some nice sales there plus some new readers for my blog. With Flippa’s high listing prices, I really need to take advantage of getting traffic from their listings to my Adsense Starter Sites For Sale sales page. If I can do that then I can justify listing a site on Flippa once in a while. I now understand why the Adsense Flippers Empire Flippers started a Buy Our Sites page of their own: to save money.
What else happend this month?
1. I sold TWO listings on Flippa.
2. I added affiliate sales to my revenue stream.
3. I increased my Total Profit by over 200%.
4. My Adsense income increased by $447.
I feel like this month really was a turning point for me. I’ve started to see some real money flowing into my accounts which is going to give me the freedom to start pursing more streams of income and diversifcation in my business. I couldn’t have done it without my loyal readers. That’s why I’m always here to help if anyone has any questions about making money online with niche sites.
1. You can now contact me easily through live chat right on website. You’ll notice a little chatbox in the right-hand corner. If you initiate a chat you’ll be speaking directly with me. I was able to add this for free with Olark. For me it’s a great way to keep connected with my visitors when they have questions about making sites or when interested in buying websites.
2. Adsense Starter Sites: I’ve been really pleased with the success of my sites for sale. I’ve had multiple buyers come back for repeat sales so I must be doing something right. If you’re interested in buying a site you can contact me through email at mike@mikefrommaine.com or you can chat with me through the chat box on this site.
3. Podcast: I’m thinking about starting a podcast where I talk about making money online with other successful Internet marketers. I think I’d like to focus on the lesser-known people who are making realistic incomes online, and not focus on the super gurus. It would be interesting for me to speak with them, and I’m hoping that you guys would like to hear the interviews, too.
4. Contest: I’ve mentioned before that I’ll be giving away a free niche website in the near future. For those of you on my list I’ll be announcing it to you all first so that you can get a head start on everyone else. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.
Well that’s all for now. I apologize for the late income report this month. I was home with my family in Maine for 3 weeks at the end of June, and then I went on vacation with my girlfriend in Turkey. I’m sure you can all understand that between business and family, family comes first
Again, I’m always available if you have any questions, so email me or message me.
I love how you specifically break down your costs and profits. It's great to see where all the money is actually going. Keep up the good work and I hope you continue to see record profits!
I’m glad you like it. It’s a good way to keep track of where the “leaks” are in the system. It’s also good for you guys to understand where you should be spending your money.
Congrats Mike…. Great month. Keep it up!
Thanks, Chetan.
Nice work. congrats.
I see the adsense earning essentially cover the cost leaving th site sales as the profit.
How much are you spendin gon cerating content for the backlining?
and do you have a guide to the best way to use socialadr
Thanks. Yes, the Adsense covers a lot of my expenses and I can take some profits from the site sales.
I explain how I use SocialAdr and other linking methods here https://mikefrommaine.com/step-by-step-niche-website-guide/step-five-building-links-to-your-niche-sites/
This is awesome good. I really want to get this kind of income. But at this point there is no way i could afford anything but hosting, domains, etc. But you have to start somewhere so i am going to get started.
Although i do have a question, how can your go daddy and host gator expenses be so high?
Just start with one site. Those expenses include over $1,400 in new domain registrations, mostly for sites that are being built in July.
Wow! Awesome month Mike, glad to see it all coming together for you in a big way!
Great to find people like you who are out there doing it and are really generous with the info and time you share to help others on their way.
Thanks for that. I think that we all need to be generous if we’re all going to succeed. There’s plenty of room for all of us.
Hey Mike,
Awesome month! I'm really fascinated by your work ethics to keep pumping out that many sites.
I feel bad for not getting more sites out there when I read this – very inspiring!
I’m glad I could inspire you. The lesson here is that if you keep taking action that good things will eventually happen. I’ll be the first to tell you that all my sites aren’t successful, but thankfully enough of them are
Keep plugging along!
Out of interest Mike how many new sites did you build last month – judging from the hefty oDesk and GD/Hostgator costs you've got plenty of new sites to play with?
About a 100 new sites, but I bought a bunch of new domains to build on in July. I’m a little backed-up on site building after going on vacation.
Hi Mike.. I'm following your blog from few months but I have not left any comment here, and this is my first comment I'm leaving on your blog.
Nice to see that you're doing well with adsense business. You can also consider building sites for amazon products as well because Adsense business model is really risky model (hope you know nichepursuits.com story). If you build amazon sites you are always safe.
Also, I want to ask one question.
How much you spend on building each sites?
Arun P K
Thanks for making your first comment. Both models can be risky as your Amazon account can get banned as well. Yes, I know about Spencer at Niche Pursuits, but it doesn’t stop me from building my own niche sites. I will be diversifying my income, though.
How much time do I spend on each site? I don’t build them, I outsource them. I spend about 3 minutes putting the outsourcing materials together. That’s it.
That's really awesome Mike! I think we both started at about the same time, and we're both on a very similar path as far as sites and income! It's been really great to watch and grow along side of you. We're going to need to connect more
Keep it up!
Thanks, Josh. Glad to have someone else on this trip with me.
Mike, whao, you're killing it gradually man!
Adsense is surely a way to go for real but with Google's craziness, i just don't know what to say. I hope you are diversifying your biz and building other sites that does not rely on adsense alone?
Keep rockin' it man
You’re right. I am diversifying my income. I’d like to have a few more streams of income by the end of the year. I’ll be sure to update you on everything.
Hey Mike,
Good to hear/read that you are able to have a few beers on me
Great work on the progress, I read on AdsenseFlippers that it took quite a while for you to make some money off this after some heavy investing.
I think a lot of people underestimate the money that goes into Affiliate Marketing / Online Marketing before it acutally starts making money and scaling up.
All the best,
The beers were quite tasty, thanks
I think I had about $10,000 invested before I started making some decent profits. Sure, you can make $50/month or maybe a few $100, but if you really want to see some good income you need to invest some money in your business. That’s what it is, a business. If you don’t treat it that way it will just be a hobby forever.
Hi Mike
Fantastic figures after all your hard work
Thanks, Lee. I’m gonna pop over to your blog now to see what you’ve been up to.
Awesome month, Mike!
It's been great following your story. Really interesting to hear you were in for about 10K invested as well…I wonder if the WSOTester guys found the same thing? I love to point to you two as successful case studies, but I always hesitate to say that anyone can do it if they invest the money and get to work. I wonder how many others invested money and did NOT make it successful, you know?
Thanks, Justin.
I really think people need to understand that a lot of our sites fail. They don’t make any money at all. It’s the successful ones that make us our profits and let us recoup our costs.
Thanks for all your support along the way.
Hi Mike, congrats about your incomes. You mention one important thing – without investment (time AND money) we will not succeed neither offline nor online.
BR, Chris
You’re right about that. There’s no magic button. You have to work hard in order to achieve success.