Episode 263
In the Internet marketing niche we’re used to hearing a lot of hype and income claims…but when someone actually SHOWS how they’re doing it and produces results I PAY ATTENTION.
Todd Huish is on the show today to talk about his WP Profits Plugin that will help you create a passive income through micro-payments.
Watch the show below: Duration: 33:06
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Man I wasn’t looking to buy anything today but got your email on this product and checked it out. I browsed through the sales page quickly and like you decided to watch the video not knowing I’d be spending the next 29 minutes glued to my screen. I was pretty much hooked, but not quite ready to buy until I watched the video on how they worked with local businesses. What better way then to use a newsletter to reach potential businesses and sell them other services. Not to mention I have a few things myself that draft out of my account under the $10 dollar range. I’m going through the course now and hope to have my first newsletter up and then going to try and do some FB marketing to gather an audience. Keep up the great work on finding gems like this one for us! All the best, JR Gautreaux
You’re very welcome. Please make sure you come back here and share your results…good or bad
It’s funny because I’ve had a “guru” blast me for the video because it’s too long, and reveals too much. I’m personally of the mindset that you shouldn’t purchase hyped up junk but software that makes sense to grow your business.
This is one such piece of software — Todd created it to automate a business process that we use for all of our niche sites and for all of our clients. So it’s been fantastic for me to use and a truly valuable asset for others.
Makes me love being in the software business – thanks Todd!
I wouldn’t worry too much about what this “guru” said…your sales and feedback speak for themselves. Keep it up!