Webinaro launches on Thursday, July 22nd at 10am ET

Click here to see a REAL example of Webinaro in action (yes we are ACTUALLY using this in our own business)

The Funnel

FE: $19 to $27 at 50% - Full featured auto-webinar cloud-based software with a done-for-you webinar included that made us $22,000. On the front end customers can run up to 5 webinars.

OTO1: $47/month or $197 one time - UNLIMITED webinars, UNLIMITED agency resell rights, FASTER CDN hosting, and REMOVE our Webinaro branding link. It also includes a software that lets them put the webinars on their own websites too. SALES PAGE PREVIEW

Jvzoo OTO1 vendor link (please don't send traffic directly here. Customers must own the front end software to be able to purchase the OTO)

Planned FE Price Raises (subject to change)

Day 1 $19 until 4pm…raise price to $20 until midnight

Day 2 $21 until noon…raise price to $22 until midnight 

Day 3 $23 until noon…raise price to $24 until midnight price goes to $47

The Sales Copy Preview

We'll be tweaking the copy, adding graphics, etc. up until the launch...but you can get a good idea of what it's all about below


The Contest:

$1,750 in JV Prizes for the Top Affiliates!!!

1st $1,000

2nd $500

3rd $250

Based on total affiliate commissions. No teams.

You must earn the prize in commissions, if not the prize will be adjusted to match your commissions.

Review Copy

If you've got more than 50 sales on JVzoo go ahead and ask for a review copy through Skype, email, or Facebook and I'll send over access

You can use all these bonuses in your promotion. They will be delivered automatically in the members area.

Do We reciprocate?

When the product fits our lists..we can bring a few sales ;-)

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at:
Email: mike@mikefrommaine.com

Skype: mikefrommaineblog

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelrthomas

Thanks for your support!

-Mike Thomas