Episode 867

When most people think of a site getting hacked, they envision a hooded figure sitting in the dark, working for hours to break into your site. Not any more! Today, most "hacks" are done by bots that run automatically, combing through line after line of code looking for a weakness in your site's plugins. Once found, your site is theirs. Here's how you can safeguard against exploits that most of the security tools out there can't protect you from.
Today Chris Hitman is on the show to talk about WP Site Guardian and how this software can help keep your WordPress site safe from exploits, reduce the chances your site can infect visitors, and safeguard your rankings in the search engines.
Watch the show below
Sales Page Preview

WP Site Guardian Bonuses
As a special bonus for picking up WP Site Guardian 2017 through my link you'll be getting TWO special bonuses.

The first is early access to our new Review Wizard WordPress plugin that will allow you to make Review posts with star ratings, positives and negatives, call to action bars, and more to make more money as an affiliate. This won't be released to the public until February, but you can get it before everyone else if you get WP Site Guardian 2017 through my link today.

The second bonus is Developer's rights to Clean My List. This is a software that helps you avoid getting your autoresponder banned or blacklisted while actually boosting profits by removing dead weight from your email list. This can reduce your costs, increase your open rates, and make you more money. You can check out the sales page HERE