Episode 494

If you had unlimited unique content what would you do with it?
We all know that content fuels the web. You needcontent for your blogs, you need content for yourbacklinks, you need content for your videos.
Point is, you can’t make money online unless you
create some form of content.
Today Radu Hahaianu is on the show to give us a demo of his Article Buddy Pro software that creates 100% unique content at the click of a button...and even posts it onto websites.
Watch the show below:
Article Buddy Pro Bonuses
Buy through my link above and you’ll get the following special bonuses. Just email your receipt to [email protected]

Bonus #1 – Writing Web Copy That Sells ($37 value)

Write Salesletters That Will Force Your Readers To Buy!
Bonus #2– Linked Into Content ($37 value)

A Real World Plan for Building Authority For Your Website!
Bonus #3– Content Cruiser Plugin ($27 value)

Plugin Pulls Money Making Blog Posts Directly To Your WordPress Dashboard!
Bonus #4 – Content For Cash ($37 value)

Looking for a great way to get more subscribers?
Bonus #5 – Content Creation Handbook ($47 value)

Tips To Creating Irresistible Blog Posts!
You could use it on your own content as well and make unique content from it.
That’s not the early bird price tell the truth it was half the price of what your showing…..