First $100 Adsense Day!!!

This will just be a quick post. I finally broke the $100/day Adsense barrier. Thursday, April 12 2012 I made $108.33!


So yeah, I’m excited about it. This week I’ve had two of my best days with $92 a few days ago and now this today. Excellent!

I’ll be releasing my mid-month expense report in a couple days. Stay tuned.

By the way, I was thinking about setting up an auto-responder and giving out a free info product. I’d like to create something that you guys will really want. Perhaps I can make some videos about how to setup a niche site. Or maybe I can show you exactly how I get a site to rank in the search engines. One thing I don’t want to do is charge people for this information. I much prefer giving away information and getting paid if people sign up for affiliate programs that I actually use. What do you guys think would be useful and effective as an autoresponder freebie?

    1. Mark,

      Yeah my expenses are getting smaller and smaller relative to my earnings. I should be having a profit month pretty soon.

  1. Hi Mike,

    I would love to see how you get your sites ranking so quick and with your tools of choice (SocialAdr, EzArticleLink and AMR). I am especially interested in the EZArticleLink.
    By the way I sent you an email a couple of days ago. Not sure if you received it, but it would be awesome if you could answer when you have some time to spare.

    1. Daniel,

      I just sent you an email. Perhaps I never got your first one.

      I’ll do a video on how I build links with the tools that I use. Perhaps a short video series.

  2. Congratulations, Mike! Great accomplishment!!

    BTW, really liking the Whoosh Traffic referral. We just upgraded to the $200/month plan…should have been under your affiliate link!

    Love the idea of free content as well. Some of our most popular content is related to linkbuilding or the things we’ve screwed up. (failures) I think some examples of what DIDN’T work for you would be quite helpful and interesting to your audience, maybe?

    1. Justin,

      Thanks for the referral…I really appreciate it.

      I’m going along with the free content model that you guys are such big proponents for. I’ve recently setup my autoresponder so I can start sending free niche course information to those who want to get started.

      The more I think about how people sell WSO’s that ask people to take out their credit cards before they know anything about the product the more I realize how ridiculous it is. It’s much better business-wise to show how the process works and make money on product and affiliate sales used to implement it.

  3. Slowly, but my own fault. I’m pretty sure that what most people do in a couple days, I complete in a week (and feel pretty good about it). I just finished spinning an article and submitted for approval and now I’m walking around like I rule the world.

    I am switching gears tonight. I had been focusing on adding content/backlinking to my 6 sites. I’ve had a little stockpile of potential keywords waiting for the last couple months. As easy as it is to pump out a site, I’m starting small. One new site ready for launch before the weekend is over (domain purchased, at least three articles ordered, images purchased, privacy policy and about page created).

  4. Jason,

    Nice job. You need to do this stuff on your own before you start outsourcing it out. Once you get the hang of it you can outsource it.

    However, I will say that getting an article spun only costs $3. If you can spend your time doing something more profitable then you might consider the opportunity cost.

  5. Hey Mike, congrats on your success! Just stumbled upon your blog for the first time from a comment you’d left on another blog. I’d be most interested in hearing about getting sites to rank, perhaps with some commentary on the risks of the niche model these days. (BMR getting deindexed, etc)

    1. Thanks, Andre. Income is looking pretty good for April, but with all the sites I’m having built the profit isn’t there yet.

  6. $108.33 that is sweet brother.I just found this site through which I found through Spencers site niche pursuits. Look forward to reading your progress too.



  7. Nigel,

    I see you are “comment hopping” around niche sites. That’s a great way to discover new blogs and make some nice connections. I’m gonna check out your site now.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Wesley,

      Thanks, I appreciate it. Yes, April is going well.

      I’ve been following your adsense alternatives post as I’d like to change some of my sites over to Keep up the good research.

  8. Very timely post thanks. I had my Adsense account terminated the other day – just as the post in digital forums said – no offer to help, say what I did wrong or could do to put it right.

    I’d been earning from Adsense for a couple of years, admittedly only a few dollars, but they’ve just seized whatever was now due to me. Totally out of order.

    Anyway, I shall follow your recommendation with Qadabra as it sounds a far better organisation. Thanks.

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