Here’s my results for December, 2020
9,724 page views (-1,586 from November)
11,600 Youtube channel views (-2,650 from November)
815 Youtube hours watched (-212 from November)
Youtube Subscribers: 9,960 (+101 from November)
Email subscribers: 9,960 (+246 subscribers from November)
iPhone: $2,339 - I got a new iPhone, but unfortunately prices are higher here in Turkey and with the pandemic I couldn't get it from the United States like usual
Recurring payment: $1,386– Brett’s share of our monthly recurring income from various programs
Virtual Assistant: $144.21 - I currently have a virtual assistant on Upwork that I use to create my bonus pages
Convert Kit: $119 – This is the current autoresponder that I’m using
ZenDesk: $50 – Brett and I use this for our help desk for our launches
Internet: $50 – This is what I pay for my fiber Internet in Turkey
VidIQ: $49- This is a software I use to help rank my videos in Youtube
Gusto: $45 – This is the company I use for my SCORP payroll
WP Engine: $30 – My new awesome, fast hosting company for this website
Apple Pen tips: $22 - I use these for my iPad Pro
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.99 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
Audible: $15.77 – Business books to further my education
iCloud: $9.99 – I use this to store my documents online
Skype: $9.99 for premium – I do all my interviews with Skype and Ecamm call recorder on a Mac
Trello: $5
Amazon S3: $4.90 – I use this to host images, bonuses, and videos
Total expenses: $4,299.85 (-$27,735.23 spent compared to November)
ADA Leadz: $1,198.02 from bonus page
Profit Suite: $1,191.17 from bonus page
Comparisites: $454.67 from bonus page
Video Tours 360: $435.25 from bonus page
Affiliate Funnel Clones: $273.48 from review and interview with Alan Magliocca
Stacker: $271.86 from bonus page
Profit Forcer: $270.16 from bonus page
DFY Authority: $247.40 from bonus page
Adsense Engine: $244.03 from bonus page
Social Post Magic: $169.50 from bonus page
My Traffic Jacker 2.0: $166.31 from bonus page
iMarketer: $154.24 from bonus page
1-Click Blog Post: $150.20 from bonus page
Money for Everyone: $119.47 from bonus page
Profit Rocket: $110.56 from bonus page
Hybrid MLM: $108.60 from bonus page
Create Studio: $99.90 from bonus page
Master PLR Retirement Sale: $82.01 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Madsense Revolution: $75.20 from bonus page
ViidCloud: $72.90 from bonus page
ProfileMate: $70.50 from bonus page
Traffic Zion Cloud: $65.82 from bonus page
Fusion by Dropmock: $60.80 from review and interview with Jamie Ohler
PixalBot: $47.37 from bonus page
AdSightPro: $45.98 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Designo Pro: $44.80 from review and interview with Todd Gross
Motion Ads Reloaded: $40 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Tv Boss Fire: $38.69 from review and interview with Craig Crawford
Spin Rewriter 11: $38.50 from bonus page
LinguaScribe: $38.48 from bonus page
VideoDyno: $35.25 from bonus page
Ascend Pages (CLOSED): $33 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Viddyoze 3.0: $31.45 from review and interview with Joey Xoto
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
Leads Gorilla: $24.73 from bonus page
eCover Authority: $23.50 from review and interview with Chad Eljisir
Marketpresso 2.0: $23.50 from bonus page
AdReel: $22.20 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
Clipman AI: $18.50 from review and interview with Brad Stephens
Speechdio: $17.98 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Web Detective: $16.45 from review and interview with Joshua Zamora
CB Automator: $15.56 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
Easy VSL 2.0: $15 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Plex: $14.85 from bonus page
5 Minute Profit Pages: $14.22 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Vidgeos: $13.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Courserious: $13.50 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
WP Site Guardian 2.0: $13.38 from review and interview with Chris Hitman
Exitus: $11.55 from bonus page
Lez Bankz: $11.45 from bonus page
Jvzoo Academy: $11.10 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Commission Ignition: $11 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Lets Get Ranked: $10.49 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Baylis
Social Kickstart: $8.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Thriive: $8.30 from bonus page
Kaptiwa 2.0: $8.10 from review and interview with Dr. Amit Pareek
Image Panda: $7.01 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Total revenue from interviews and reviews: $6,872.52 (-$78.44 from November)
Recurring income with Brett: $2,772 – This is my recurring commissions before paying Brett half
Google Adsense: $441.05 – Earnings from Youtube
Resell Rights Weekly: $41.91 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Total from OTHER streams of income: $3,254.96 (-$31,812.17 from November)
Total Revenue: $10,127.48 (-$31,890.61 from November)
Total Profit: $5,827.63 (-$4,155.38 from November)
Product Name (link to video) | Date published | Views | CTR | Subscribers added | Adsense Income | Commissions | Total Profit |
12/01/2020 | 166 | 3.8% | 3 | $8.86 | $11.45 | $20.31 | |
12/01/2020 | 136 | 3.9% | 1 | $7.42 | $0 | $7.42 | |
12/02/2020 | 196 | 6.1% | 1 | $7.76 | $108.60 | $116.36 | |
12/03/2020 | 503 | 7.7% | 21 | $34.26 | $270.16 | $304.42 | |
12/03/2020 | 156 | 3.6% | 0 | $6.94 | $169.50 | $176.44 | |
12/03/2020 | 173 | 3.5% | 0 | $6.78 | $110.56 | $117.34 | |
12/04/2020 | 377 | 4.6% | 10 | $20.55 | $271.86 | $292.41 | |
12/05/2020 | 140 | 3.4% | 0 | $6.90 | $0 | $6.90 | |
12/14/2020 | 527 | 6.8% | 11 | $29.04 | $244.03 | $273.07 | |
12/14/2020 | 111 | 2.6% | 2 | $4.91 | $0 | $4.91 | |
12/14/2020 | 63 | 3.2% | 1 | $1.61 | $0 | $1.61 | |
12/15/2020 | 309 | 6.3% | 4 | $11.09 | $154.24 | $165.33 | |
12/17/2020 | 311 | 5.3% | 10 | $12.96 | $119.47 | $132.43 | |
12/19/2020 | 136 | 3.5% | 3 | $6.27 | $0 | $6.27 | |
12/19/2020 | 464 | 5.9% | 7 | $15.41 | $14.85 | $30.26 |
Total Youtube reviews: 15 (-11 from November)
Total views: 3,768 (-786 from November)
Average CTR: 4.68% (-.51% from November)
New Subscribers: 74(+26 from November)
Adsense Income: $180.76(-$104.12 from November)
Affiliate Income: $1,474.72 (+$457.36 from November)
Total income: $1,655.48 (+$353.24 from November)
Average per video:
251 views, 4.93 subscribers, $12.05 Adsense income, $98.31 affiliate income, $110.36 per video
Here are the final stats for 2020:
Total Revenue: $266,952.66
Total Expenses: $127,814.20
Total Profit (before taxes):
I can say that I'm happy that I broke six figures this year with the pandemic happening all over the world. There were so many people around me that were unable to work and truly suffering so I'm lucky to be able to work from home.
What happened in 2020?
I don't think anyone could have predicted a year like the one we just had. Just like everyone else I spent a lot of time at home. In Turkey there were a lot of mandatory quarantines where we couldn't even go out for walks during the day, so it was a tough time keeping ourselves and our 1-year old (at the time) entertained.
Lets take a look at the year month by month:
January: We rang in the New Year on a flight from Boston to Istanbul after spending a little over a month with my family in Maine. Little did we know we wouldn't be able to see them again for at least another year. Even with slowly easing back into working again I was able to make a total profit of $11,513.

Caviar at a Russian restaurant
February: This was our last month of "happiness" before we went on quarantine for the Corona virus. It's strange to look back now and see how oblivious we were to the big change we were about to go through in the world. I made a profit of $6,730.
March: This is when the Corona virus panic began. I definitely let my business go during this month as I was scared myself about what the pandemic meant for me and my family. I had my worst month since December, 2013...which makes sense since the world was going crazy and me alongside it. I made a total of $3,460 in profit.

Empty supermarket shelves at beginning of pandemic

April: This is my first full month of not doing interviews anymore. I decided to move to a full bonus-page promotion style model since interviews were just taking too much time and were extremely difficult to do with a 2-year old in the house all day long
At the beginning of April we launched a product called 300 Dollar Day, which only did around $25,000 in sales. This was disappointing, but not surprising due to the fact that we were launching at the beginning of the pandemic.
We also launched Vidyz 2.0 at the end of April, which did around $30,000 in sales, again, not a big win.
These two disappointments still added up to a decent monthly profit of $18,478.
May: I had some really good affiliate promos with one that earned me almost $7,000. It was reassuring to see these results since I had recently stopped doing interviews, which proved that they weren't necessary anymore.
I ended up making $19,706 in profit.

"Working" on our balcony with my assistant
June: A bit of a slower month. We finally were able to spend time with some family and friends as pandemic restrictions were removed. It was nice to be able to do some "normal" things again.
I was able to make a total profit of $10,749.
July: Life continued to go back to "normal". We spent time with friends and family outside, but of course wearing masks and social-distancing.
We also made a real estate investment that will end up going to my children.
I did occasional affiliate promos and made a total profit of $8,277.

Drinking Turkish raki with friends

Celebrating my daughter's 2nd birthday
August: We spent most of this month living in a couple of beachfront hotels in Bodrum, Turkey. I was able to both get work done and spend time with my family at the same time so it worked out quite well. We even did a product launch. I ended up making $26,861 in profit for the month.
September: I ended up not working very much this month, doing only 4 affiliate promos. I also took a random vacation halfway through the month so I wasn't able to get my business prepared beforehand. It's ok, as I still was able to make $6,261 without doing much work.

October: This is when I started putting a lot more effort into Youtube. I started putting all my videos solely on Youtube and including a "subscribe" button below my reviews. I ended up making $11,293.

November: We launched a product called iVidz this month, but it was a small launch only doing about $30,000 in sales. We gave away too much prize money so I only ended with a profit of about $2,000...which isn't much. I still ended up making $9,983 for the month.
December: This was a slow month, as usual, as there were really only 2.5 working weeks in the month due to the Christmas/New Year holiday. I used this down time to hire a new virtual assistant to create all my bonus pages, since I'd need a lot more with the increased amount of Youtube videos I was doing. I was originally doing them myself, but it just got too time-consuming. I was still able to make $5,827 in profit in a small amount of time.

I hope you enjoyed taking a quick look at 2020. Let me know in the comments below how your business was in 2020 and what your plans are for 2021
As always, thanks for reading and and all your support.