Here’s my results for October, 2020
10,964 page views (+5,194 from September)
12,500 Youtube channel views (+7,000 from September)
954 Youtube hours watched (+605 from September)
Youtube Subscribers: 9,749 (+133 from September)
Email subscribers: 9,259 (+2,624 subscribers from September)
Recurring payment: $1,244 – Brett’s share of our monthly recurring income from various programs
Convert Kit: $119 – This is the current autoresponder that I’m using
Screenflow upgrade: $51.70 - I upgraded to version 9 of my video editing software
ZenDesk: $50 – Brett and I use this for our help desk for our launches
Internet: $50 – This is what I pay for my fiber Internet in Turkey
VidIQ: $49- This is a software I use to help rank my videos in Youtube
Gusto: $45 – This is the company I use for my SCORP payroll
WP Engine: $30 – My new awesome, fast hosting company for this website
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.99 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
Audible: $15.77 – Business books to further my education
Ecamm: $13.49 - I signed up for a month of this to test out their new interview software
Amazon S3: $11.41 – I use this to host images, bonuses, and videos
iCloud: $9.99 – I use this to store my documents online
Skype: $9.99 for premium – I do all my interviews with Skype and Ecamm call recorder on a Mac
Total expenses: $1,719.34 (-$841.60 spent compared to September)
My Virtual Tours: $1,578.90 from bonus page
Adscouter: $1,110.25 from bonus page
Flixsterz: $818.90 from bonus page
Unfair Advantage: $584.69 from bonus page
PPC Shortcut: $421.85 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
SurveyChimp: $420.50 from bonus page
Automation Empire: $407.06 from bonus page
Maxima: $382 from bonus page
VideoDyno: $379.48 from bonus page
5 Minute Profit Pages: $317.30 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Clickvio: $238.60 from bonus page
TxtVideo 2.0: $260.50 from bonus page
ProfileMate: $247.50 from bonus page
BuzzPress: $246.08 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
My Traffic Jacker 2.0: $212.10 from bonus page
Fliik: $193.07 from bonus page
Syndbuddy 2.0: $177.84 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Create Studio: $166.70 from bonus page
Stribe: $161.42 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Offline Revenue System: $140.35 from bonus page
Motvio: $139.92 from bonus page
Lets Get Ranked: $134.61 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Local Agency Box: $118 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
1-Click Blog Post: $115.70 from bonus page
Polaris: $86.47 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Continuum: $66.32 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Fusion by Dropmock: $60.80 from review and interview with Jamie Ohler
Lead App: $54.50 from review and interview with Chad Nicely
EasyRankr: $51.70 from bonus page
Channel Authority Builder: $46.43 from review and interview with Cyril Gupta
Viddyoze 3.0: $44.40 from review and interview with Joey Xoto
Video Ads Traffic: $33.50 from review and interview with Adam Payne
Ascend Pages (CLOSED): $33 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Video Robot: $31 from review and interview with Todd Gross
Profit Meet: $30.16 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
Commission Clone: $25.67 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Tv Boss Fire: $25.19 from review and interview with Craig Crawford
LiveReel: $23.50 from review and interview with Abhi Dwivedi
Kickass Tuber: $23.50 from review and interview with Angel Corman
VideoMatic: $23.50 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Equinox: $23.14 from review and interview with Jono Armstrong
AdReel: $22.20 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
Tube Rank Machine 2.0: $20.95 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
Easy VSL 2.0: $20 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Clipman AI: $18.50 from review and interview with Brad Stephens
Instant Commission Site: $17.91 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
Mapify 360: $14.39 from review and interview with Adrian Isfan
Vidgeos: $13.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Videosly: $13.50 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Jvzoo Academy: $11.10 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Baylis
AcademyZpresso: $9.21 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Social Kickstart: $8.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
FunnelChief: $8.15 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Kaptiwa 2.0: $8.10 from review and interview with Dr. Amit Pareek
KontentXpress: $8.06 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
CB Automator: $7.87 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
Total revenue from interviews and reviews: $9,910.62 (+$4,394.01 from September)
Recurring income with Brett: $2,488 – This is my recurring commissions before paying Brett half
Google Adsense: $557.63 – Earnings from Youtube
Resell Rights Weekly: $56.58 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Total from OTHER streams of income: $3,102.21 (-$203.80 from September)
Total Revenue: $13,012.83 (+$4,190.21 from September)
Total Profit: $11,293.49 (+$5,031.81 from September)
I'm really happy with my results for October. I was able to increase my income by $5,000 from September and I've been having a lot of fun with a new experiment I've been doing.
So what is it?
In the past I would be limited to doing only one review video per day since I could really only email my list ONCE a day about a new product. More than that and I'd get a lot more unsubscribes than usual.
Also, since I used to do interviews it would take me much more time to create a full review for each product (I stopped doing interviews in March, 2020).
Product Name (link to video) | Date published | Views | CTR | Subscribers added | Adsense Income | Commissions |
10/30/2020 | 48 | 3.6% | 0 | $2.36 | $52 | |
10/15/2020 | 159 | 4% | 2 | $3.75 | $317.30 | |
10/27/2020 | 149 | 5.1% | 1 | $9.23 | $9.21 | |
10/14/2020 | 512 | 9.6% | 8 | $29.30 | $246.08 | |
10/28/2020 | 123 | 5.4% | 2 | $5.81 | $25.67 | |
10/28/2020 | 108 | 5.2% | 1 | $8.14 | $8.15 | |
10/11/2020 | 99 | 2.7% | 1 | $2.73 | $0 | |
10/18/2020 | 153 | 5.7% | 3 | $5.56 | $8.06 | |
10/29/2020 | 71 | 5.6% | 0 | $3.06 | $0 | |
10/9/2020 | 208 | 6.9% | 1 | $7.17 | $134.61 | |
10/9/2020 | 201 | 5.5% | 2 | $13.78 | $23.50 | |
10/15/2020 | 165 | 3.8% | 0 | $10.80 | $0 | |
10/30/2020 | 109 | 7.4% | 0 | $6.80 | $0 | |
10/27/2020 | 85 | 4% | 0 | $4.49 | $0 | |
10/28/2020 | 84 | 4.7% | 1 | $3.47 | $0 | |
10/20/2020 | 212 | 4.5% | 3 | $9.28 | $86.47 | |
10/16/2020 | 340 | 6.1% | 10 | $32.46 | $421.85 | |
10/16/2020 | 256 | 5.6% | 4 | $14.11 | $30.16 | |
10/16/2020 | 267 | 3.6% | 4 | $17.26 | $161.42 | |
10/17/2020 | 268 | 6.3% | 4 | $17.63 | $177.84 | |
10/31/2020 | 109 | 9% | 0 | $2.87 | $23.50 |
So in October I did 21 Youtube reviews. I got a total of 3,726 views, an average CTR of 5.44%, 47 new subscribers, $210.06 in Adsense income, $1,725.82 in commissions...for a total of $1,935.88 in earnings.
That means that on average I made $92 for each video I recorded. And the amazing thing about Youtube videos is that these videos will go on to make me even more money for years to come. They are essentially little money machines the will...yes I'm going to say it...make me money while I sleep
Sure, I made another $9,357.61 from the other part of my business...but this new income stream excites me even more.
In the future I'm planning on doing even more Youtube videos and potentially other types of content as well OTHER than reviews.
I've been inspired by some other channels out there in the "make money online" and "finance" niche that are doing huge numbers.
For example, Graham Stephan makes anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 per day in Adsense revenue from his Youtube channel. This is amazing considering that he started doing this back on Christmas Day in 2016.

Graham is an example of extreme success (and he works hard for it) but he's not the only person making good money.
My friend Greg Kononenko, at the time of posting an income report video at the end of July, shows that he's making between $100 to $200 in Youtube ads...and even while taking a break for weeks at a time between posting.

I'll be continuing with this experiment of posting more videos and growing my let's see how it goes