Episode 257
You’re a genius! That’s right, I said it. Why? Because compared to most local businesses you know 1,000 times more than they’ll ever know about online marketing. And it’s your DUTY to help them…and make some money too.
Offline businesses need customers, and in order to get more customers they need to get their message out there…and that’s where you come in. If you can provide a service that will bring them more business then they will HAPPILY
pay you over and again for your help…and that’s where Sam Bakker comes in.
Sam’s on the show today to talk about a method of selling easy-to-edit videos to local businesses for big profits with his Local Video Takeoff product…check it out below!
Watch the show below: Duration: 31:24
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Stuff mentioned in the show
Local Video Takeoff (CLOSED)- Sam’s product that will help you make money selling videos to local businesses
I never ever heard Sam Bakker with New Zealand accent it is weird!!!!!
To people in New Zealand our accents are weird too 🙂
That’s not what i meant, i have been to dozens of webinars with Sam and he had more of an american accent
Ahh, you know what it could be? Whenever I go home to Maine my accent gets thicker as I get used to speaking with my fellow Mainers. Perhaps he’s been back in New Zealand too long 😉
Zero accent lol
Haha…I can’t wait for Sam to comment on this 😉
Hey Izzy,
Thanks for coming on my webinars and watching the interview. I figured out a way to successfully clone myself as an American. He lives in my closet and anytime I’m double booked I bring him out. He’s great for webinars, does my gardening and texts my girlfriend when I’m to busy to. Hopep that clears things up :p