Episode 500

A boatload of products promise push button riches and systems a 4-year-old could follow. And by pushing the right triggers with super sales copy, a lot of these sell! I even bought some of these when I was getting started online.
However, there’s a difference between a shiny button and a method. And the method we'll be talking about today simply WORKS.
Today Bill Hugall is on the show to talk about how he's been able to have his own success plus teach countless students to do the same with his The Rainmaker course.
Watch the show below:
The Rainmaker Bonuses
Buy through my link above and you’ll get the following special bonuses. Just email your receipt to [email protected]
Bonus #1 – Product Creation Master Class ($47 value)

Easily create your own multimedia information products!
Bonus #2– Productivity Unleashed ($17 value)

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Bonus #3– Internet Marketing Introduction ($37 value)

Successful Businesses Utilize Effective Marketing Strategy! Marketing is the Key to a Profitable Online Business!
Bonus #4 – Product Creation Madness ($37 value)

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Bonus #5 – Understanding Viral Marketing ($17 value)

Discover All There Is To Know About Viral Marketing!
I like his enthusiasm, but I really have no clue what the product is even about. Is this a coaching program?
Andy, it’s about building a real business online.
He seems like one of the good guys. I wish most IM would use his strategy for the first up sell as its an affordable way to make the course personalized. Dont have the foggiest idea on what the concept is though. Any hints??????
It’s a course that teaches how to make money as an affiliate, build an email list, and create your own products. It’s a PROVEN way to be successful online.