Here’s my results for February, 2021
14,444 page views (+2,119 from January)
18,534 Youtube channel views (+1,734 from January)
1,486 Youtube hours watched (+86 from January)
Youtube Subscribers: 10,251 (+291 from January)
Email subscribers: 10,935 (+684 subscribers from January)
Recurring payment: $1,843 – Brett’s share of our monthly recurring income from various programs
Webinar: $592 - Paid Brett for his share of webinar earnings
Convert Kit: $174.61 – This is the current autoresponder that I’m using
Virtual Assistant: $138.55 - I currently have a virtual assistant on Upwork that I use to create my bonus pages
ZenDesk: $50 – Brett and I use this for our help desk for our launches
Internet: $50 – This is what I pay for my fiber Internet in Turkey
VidIQ: $49- This is a software I use to help rank my videos in Youtube
Gusto: $45 – This is the company I use for my SCORP payroll
WP Engine: $30 – My new awesome, fast hosting company for this website
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.99 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
Audible: $15.77 – Business books to further my education
iCloud: $9.99 – I use this to store my documents online
Skype: $9.99 for premium – I do all my interviews with Skype and Ecamm call recorder on a Mac
Krisp: $8 - I use this to remove background noise while I'm recording my reviews
Amazon S3: $4.12 – I use this to host images, bonuses, and videos
Total expenses: $3,040.02 (-$243.97 spent compared to January)
VideoMan: $1,614.93 from bonus page
GoNews: $1,419.14 from bonus page
LinkBypass: $868.04 from bonus page
Instant Profit Stores: $783.78 from bonus page
GamerPay: $637.09 from bonus page
VidSnatcher 2: $465.96 from bonus page
LifeMail: $416.30 from bonus page
Affiliate Marketing Magic: $374 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Payment Overload: $355.47 from bonus page
Courserious: $317.20 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
LifeHost: $292.44 from bonus page
Ultimate Traffic Boost: $283.12 from bonus page
Email Videos Pro: $261.60 from bonus page
ProfitMailrr: $246.39 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Create Studio: $241.30 from bonus page
Nova: $235.17 from bonus page
Covrr Studio: $214.90 from bonus page
Skipperz: $199.54 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
GrowViral: $184.25 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Interactr (CLOSED): $147 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
My Traffic Jacker 2.0: $142.35 from bonus page
Commission Cloner: $134.41 from bonus page
Leads Gorilla: $132.98 from bonus page
Mega Video Bot: $120.94 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
BanrAds: $114.50 from bonus page
ChatterPal: $111.50 from review and interview with Paul Ponna
StockNation 3.0: $108.92 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
LinkSeam: $108.05 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
WP Optimiser: $82.50 from review and interview with Chris Hitman
Viral Dashboard: $81.44 from bonus page
Scriptdio: $81.33 from bonus page
Meetvio: $77.60 from review and interview with Neil Napier
Video Tours 360: $75.50 from bonus page
Affiliate Funnel Clones: $73.50 from review and interview with Alan Magliocca
ProfileMate: $70.50 from bonus page
Omni: $69 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
ProfitSite: $66.84 from bonus page (No video just post)
Wizzard: $63.91 from bonus page (No video just post)
Fusion by Dropmock: $60.80 from review and interview with Jamie Ohler
Flixsterz: $59.64 from bonus page
Gift Machine: $56.59 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
MultiSociFit: $53.19 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
ViidCloud: $52.90 from bonus page
Member Factory (CLOSED): $48.50 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Unfair Advantage: $45.89 from bonus page
MediaCloudPro 2.0: $44.95 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
CB Automator: $43.76 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
InstaDrive: $39.41 from bonus page
Siphon Cash: $36.35 from bonus page
EZ Article Profits: $35.73 from bonus page
Ascend Pages (CLOSED): $33 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Viddyoze 3.0: $31.45 from review and interview with Joey Xoto
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
Reach Multiply: $28.98 from review and interview with Cyril Gupta
Mapify 360: $28.20 from review and interview with Adrian Isfan
Video Marketing Blaster: $23.50 from review and interview with Ali G.
Krown: $22.44 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
AdReel: $22.20 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
Clipman AI: $18.50 from review and interview with Brad Stephens
CB Traffic Bots 360: $14.58 from bonus page
Vidgeos: $13.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Tv Boss Fire: $13.50 from review and interview with Craig Crawford
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
BinstaApp: $13.19 from bonus page
Perpetual Income 365: $12.46 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Jvzoo Academy: $11.10 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Take It: $10.55 from review and interview with Brendan Mace
Lets Get Ranked: $10.47 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Easy VSL 2.0: $10 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Baylis
Social Kickstart: $8.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Video Sumo: $8.31 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
4K in a Day: $8.28 from bonus page
Fliik: $8.13 from bonus page
Kaptiwa 2.0: $8.10 from review and interview with Dr. Amit Pareek
Simple Affiliate Machines: $7.06 from bonus page
5 Minute Profit Pages: $3.73 from bonus page (Youtube review only)
Total revenue from reviews: $12,273.41 (+$1,990.86 from January)
Recurring income with Brett: $3,686 – This is my recurring commissions before paying Brett half
Webinar: $1,185.50 - This is how much we made from a webinar with Shawn Casey before paying Brett half
Google Adsense: $1,154.96 – Earnings from Youtube
Resell Rights Weekly: $41.91 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Total from OTHER streams of income: $6,068.37 (+$551.40 from January)
Total Revenue: $18,341.78 (+$2,542.26 from January)
Total Profit: $15,301.76 (+$2,786.23 from January)
Product Name (link to video) | Date published | Views | CTR | Subscribers added | Adsense Income | Commissions | Total Profit |
02/01/2021 | 139 | 4.1% | 0 | $6.74 | $44.95 | $51.69 | |
02/02/2021 | 295 | 5.9% | 4 | $26.83 | $53.19 | $80.02 | |
02/05/2021 | 290 | 4.2% | 3 | $21.63 | $69 | $90.63 | |
02/05/2021 | 567 | 5.2% | 15 | $44.43 | $199.54 | $243.97 | |
02/10/2021 | 165 | 4.1% | 4 | $8.08 | $0 | $8.08 | |
02/10/2021 | 368 | 6.5% | 4 | $30.77 | $108.92 | $139.69 | |
02/13/2021 | 501 | 6.2% | 4 | $40.84 | $246.39 | $287.23 | |
02/15/2021 | 216 | 4.3% | 1 | $10.22 | $108.05 | $118.27 | |
02/15/2021 | 276 | 4.6% | 5 | $20.31 | $12.46 | $32.77 | |
02/16/2021 | 277 | 4.4% | 3 | $19.18 | $184.25 | $203.44 | |
02/18/2021 | 442 | 6% | 10 | $32.43 | $22.44 | $54.87 | |
02/19/2021 | 225 | 4.4% | 5 | $13.98 | $374 | $387.98 | |
02/28/2021 | 90 | 5.6% | 1 | $7.08 | $56.59 | $63.67 | |
02/28/2021 | 170 | 8.3% | 1 | $11.55 | $120.94 | $132.49 |
Total Youtube reviews: 14 (-12 from January)
Total views: 4,021 (-1,875 from January)
Average CTR: 5.27% (+.42% from January)
New Subscribers: 60 (-7 from January)
Adsense Income: $294.07 (-$8.91 from January)
Affiliate Income: $1,600.72 (-$240.05 from January)
Total income: $1,894.79 (-$248.96 from January)
Average per video:
287 views, 4.28 subscribers, $21 Adsense income, $114.28 affiliate income, $135.34 per video

So what happened this month?
I'm super happy with this month.
Well it's because I took off about 10 days.
It's a funny story, actually. On the evening of February 18th while watching tv with my wife, I started complaining to her that the volume was way too loud. Of course she just turned it down for me, but she was a bit surprised because it wasn't any louder than normal.
Well, the next day I woke up in the morning with a ringing sound in my ear. I just figured I had some sort of an ear infection so I didn't think much of it. However it persisted into the afternoon and my wife made an appoint for me with the ear doctor just to make sure it wasn't serious.
So I went to the doctor and my hearing started going away. He jammed some big tweezers in my ear and removed some nasty wax (sorry for the details) but my hearing was gone by this point. He sent me to the emergency room and I was immediately put on an IV with antibiotics and steroids. Also on top of that I was told I'd have to come back to the hospital every day for 3 to 4 hours for the next 10 days.
Of course at this point I would do anything to get my hearing back, and luckily it started to slowly come back the next day. However they still weren't quite sure why I lost my hearing to begin with, so I had to get an MR to make sure it wasn't something serious like a brain tumor.
Thankfully it ended up being just an ear infection, but the doctor told me that it's good I came in immediately because if you don't get medical attention within 24 to 48 hours after sudden hearing loss it can result in permanent damage.
My hearing came back to almost 100% by the end of the 10-day treatment, but it definitely knocked me down and scared me...especially when I was waiting for my MR results. Not fun.
So I was knocked out of my affiliate promotion rhythm from the 19th to the 28th, which most likely resulted in at least $2k to $5k in lost revenue, but I'm happy to miss out on that in exchange for hearing back in my ear 🙂
Great ending to what could have been a terrible story.I always hate it when the initial diagnosis is "Hmmm this is strange! I really don't know what it could be.
I always admired your transperency as being one of the few online that actually share your earnings.I don't mean share them with us literally though that would be ok,lol!
I do have a question because I noticed that a majority of your earnings come from your bonus pages.I would love to hear about that in detail and I would imagine your other subscribers may be curious about that as well.
Keep doin your reviews and sharing that good info with us Mike,it's much appreciated.
Hi Kyle,
Those are affiliate marketing promotions.
This is my first time reading your blog. I am happy you got your hearing back. I am learning about affiliate marketing. I have subscribed to your YouTube channel and I am on your mailing list so I will continue to follow you.
Glad everything turned out ok for you. Health is more important than money most of the time, so you did the right thing. Here's hoping that you have a fantastic 2022 and that you stay happy, healthy and enjoying life to the fullest.
Thanks, yeah all the money in the world is worthless if you don’t have your health.