ManageWP: $273
Pingler: $5
Aweber: $29
Social Adr: $94
Ezarticle link subscription: $30
Free Jing and ScreenCast Subscription for
easily explaining things to workers : $10
Whoosh (CLOSED) rank tracking subscription: $99
EZarticle spin credits: $480
Copyscape: $25
Article Marketing Robot and Unique Article Wizard outsourcing: $480
Odesk writing, research, and outsourcing: $1,523.59
Go Daddy domains and Host Gator hosting: $821.11
website creation outsourcing: $40
Headers: $10
Flippa: $0
Warrior Forum Ads: $40
CPA Reborn Course (CLOSED): $27
99 Designs Header: $499
Demon Tracking (for CPA offers)+ Domain and hosting: $57
Ecamm Call Recorder: $17.95
Studio Press Theme: $79.95
Wistia: $29
Total expenses: $4,669.60
Text link ads: $70.36
CPA Reborn: $40.50
WP Twin: $98
SocialAdr: $48
WP Goldmine (CLOSED): $18.44
Ezarticle link: $187
CTR Theme: $274.41
Long Tail Pro: $79.04
Website sales: $2,539.47
Whoosh Traffic: $67.60
Adsense: $2,010.50
One-on-one consulting: $300
Total Revenue: $5,733.32
Total Profit: $1,063.72
Total finished niche websites: 568
Niche sites currently being built: 125
Total niche websites: 683
So what’s new for September?
I’m going to be focusing on selling a lot of sites this month. I’ve added a ton of new sites to my Sites For Sale page. I’ve even added some sites in the lower price ranges to attract buyers who want to build niche sites but don’t have a huge budget. I expect these sites to sell quite quickly this month.
I also have two awesome sites up on Flippa right now. One of them made $51.43 in the last 30 days, and the other made $169.50. If you’re interested in checking them out or bidding on them you can at:
An interesting thing about these two sites is that both of them only have one page on them. Anyone trying to tell you that you need a lot of content to rank in Google is full of poo. These two sites are living proof.
Well that’s it for this month.
Thanks for all your support!
568 completed niche sites … That’s a pretty handsome achievements.
Congrats on another profitable months and hope to see more with regards to your income building adventure.
Thanks, Rendell. Now I just need to sell some of them
Hi Mike,
again great to see that you go your way.
I saw that you started the CPA Reborn course and wondered if you picked CPV Lab or Prosper to track your campaigns?
Any news on the CPA result front?
Looking forward to the next post about this topic.
I’m still in the CPA Reborn course. It’s still going on now, so I’m waiting for it to begin before starting any campaigns. I’ll be sure to publish my results here.
Hey Mike, any profit’s good profit and I can see you’ve invested heavily in the future – 683 niche websites – wow!!
The profits wasn’t fantastic, but it’s good considering how many sites I built this month. Thanks for the comment!
I have to say I’m not impressed. Byzantine expenses, overblown process and puny income, except for a one-off uptick last month. Are you sure things are working out for you Mike?
Yes, there have been some high expenses, but you have to spend money to make money. It’s good having people like you out there to keep me on my toes
Nice profit report. You did spend much but you are still in profit and also have a lot of new sites so it’s a good month
I wish you good luck with your flippa listings and hope they sale for a nice amount of money 
Thanks for wishing me luck with my Flippa listings. I’m hoping to get some nice cash from those sales.
Hi Mike, congrats on a strong month. Awesome sales page.
As to Poo.. well ive been saying that for a long time. especially againstthe guys that failed and no say its not possible. I wish youd had this evidence during the debate a few months ago..
So i have a few important question for you.
What the 1 thing you discovered that has contributed to your success to?
The basis of your process is familiar to me and we both know the adsense flipper system. BUT youve made a leap forward it seems.
Keyword research looks straight forward but im guessing your hitting an above average success rate. So for domains youve bought what percentage generate over $3 a month? in their 1st three month?
Traditionally there has been a high failure rate on adsense sites as high as 80% for some people
Thanks for that…glad you like the sales page.
The one thing I’ve discovered that has contributed my success with niche sites is keyword research. If you mess that up then you can build 1,000,000 links and a ton of content and you still won’t make much money. You need to really nail that part to be able to be successful with the rest.
The key is that most of my sites don’t make that much money individually. But put together as a whole they’re able to earn quite a good income. I’ll have to do a case study sometime to get the details for you.
I also agree with a previous poster who has suggested it seems you are hitting significantly more than missing with your sites.
I have watched your kw research videos and I am wondering if there is a specific area of the kw research process that you have focused on, consider most important, or better yet…is “the” area of the process that you feel has contributed the most to your overall success? I.e top 10 google results list, etc.
Yeah, I have 600 sites and 130 are up for sale. I’ve sold about 70 sites. So 200 “successful” out of 600 (even though some are still new) give me about a 33% success rate. And that’s not to say that the other sites aren’t making any money…plus a lot of them are new.
Mikes success rate is FAR better than many big names. And a lot better than those who have failed miserably and are now born again authority site experts.
My questioning is simply to tweak out the reason he’s getting 30%+ and most other get 20%
So Im merely hunting pearls of wisdom.
My personnel goals are 80-90% make more than $5 a month Im probably around the 60-70% at the moment on new sites. But that leads to extensive testing and keyword research that reject 99% of what i find.
And just to share on of my ideas. I now never buy a domain thats had links built to it that still exist. Simple check the domain in majesticseo for free and if there are old or new links i dont buy the domain. Just something ive found reduces my failure rate.
Mike – new site layout is great! Much nicer than the old…
Glad you like it!
Mike – one more suggestion, links that open into your site should open in the same tab instead of a new one. Drives me crazy that links that point to pages on your site open up in a new tab/page.
Ok, Mohamed, I’ll take a look at it for you
Thanks for this post, Mike. It is enlightening to be able to take a peek behind the scenes of an online business like this.
And it is quite interesting that those two niche sites could rank like they do with only one page of content. (BTW, you might want to fix the target of the second link.) I’m wondering what strategy you used to get these sites to rank.
Is that information perhaps spelled out in your Free Niche Site Course?
Thanks for letting me know about the link.
Yes, the sites don’t need much content to be able to rank in Google…it’s pretty amazing.
Yes, the information is in my free niche site course.
hey mike you say you have over 680 sites however your adsense earnings are only 2k, thats only roughly 3 buks on average per site….do you have a lot of non performing sites
Building niche sites is all about the numbers. Some of the sites will fail. Some will be make a killing. Some just average. It’s the way it works.
You can’t make 5 niche sites and expect to make a lot of money from them. I’d suggest making at least 10 to 20 to get a feel for the whole process and then outsource everything to really ramp up the process.
Wow mike, congrats! You got a TON of sites!
Are a lot of them not making any money as of now?
I just my first batch up following your techniques and have seen all but positive results, looking forward to start hitting some bigger numbers in the next months
About 30% of them make over $2/month. Some make a lot more than that.
Hi mIke
Your response is not diaplyed here but i got it in a threaded email response.
Keyword research is pretty well documented these days, youve done that as have the adsnese flippers.
CPC, exact search, seo value etc. It strikes me youve found a niche with in the niche. Where you have as you say lots of small earning sites. thats sweet.
I was speculating that their a single thing that youve added thats making this happen. maybe adding spyfu analysis, or it could be your keeping it simple.
So just curious if there something you’ve not documented already in the process?
For example Ive been looking at a few ideas to reduce the number of failure that can happen such as using majesticseo and not buying domains that have large numbers of historical back links.
I’ve finally fixed it and gotten it to thread. Thanks for that.
I’m actually pretty happy with my failure rate right now. I’m hitting over 30% of my sites being profitable (probably more like 40%). Everything in my process is documented in my free course. I’ve opened the curtain and showed everything.
Hi Mike
Well done on getting threading working. It really helps.
Ive responded above to the other part of this discussion following the question by Rob.
Clear your not alone in assuming the worse..
Your doing great. Im merely trying to tease out any insight you may have as I aim for 90%+ going forward. Im certainly over 50% easily.
But my process is painful and takes a lot of work. Id rather do that than waste (my perspective) money on domains and content. I shared an idea above which may be valid.
lets not be confused.
Your Crushing it..
Yeah, I agree..it makes it much easier to understand.
My process is less tedious than others…with my link building process I’m able to at least get on the first page for a lot of terms. Thanks for your support.
This was indeed a lot of investment and obviously the results were reaped. You’re truly transparent just like Pat of SPI.
I built a lot of sites this month so I won’t see the profit from them for another few months.
The second flippa link for the $51 earner appears to go to the auction for the $169 earner. Maybe it is just my phone?
Also, did your Adsense revenue drop as a result of sites sold? Either way looks like you are setting yourself up nicely for the months ahead.
Thanks, Rob, I’ve fixed that.
Yes, I’ve sold a lot of sites lately so my Adsense should really drop. My goal is not to make money with Adsense, but to make money flipping the sites.
Mike…You have some insightful information on profit and expense report. Why do you choose Host Gator instead of Bluehost for your hosting company? I like the fact you manage so many websites well. Do you group them into certain categories as well? Finally, I like to thank you for personally responding back to me when I sign up for your email list. I’ve never had anyone respond back to me personally by commenting on my profile pic. Nice touch!
Thanks for all you do.
I’ve been using Host Gator for a while now and their customer service is great. Bluehost is probably also a good company, but I just prefer using Host Gator since I already have hosting there.
Nope, I don’t group them into any categories. I’m just concerned with which ones are earning.
You’re welcome for responding back. It’s very important to me to personally contact everyone on my list. Without you guys this blog wouldn’t be what it is today. Thanks!
Mike, are you working a 4 hour work week!
Your comments are not threaded and your not replying to comments (some anyway dont you like the question?)
Also this doesnot appear on the home page?
I’ve fixed the comments now…thanks!
I couldn’t even imagine making $2000+ a month on AdSense.
Or owning 600+ websites for that matter.
Have you any luck with the CPV and CPA method yet?
I would like to know more about that little quest also.
Keep up the good work!
I won’t say it was easy or cheap to create over 600 sites making thousands of dollars with Adsense. It takes time and money.
I’m still taking the course on CPV so I’ll write about it as soon as I have something good to report.
Hi Mike,
Are you using more text ads or text/image ads? Great info by the way!
I use both text and image ads. In this way Google can serve up the highest paying ad.
Nice! I like how you show all expenses and income. We currently just show income at the moment but may change that soon
I think it’s really important to show what your spending because I could make $10,000 in a month, but if I spend $11,000 to make it then I’m not really making any money. PROFIT is much more important than revenue.
Hey Mike, Great job with the blog! Is most of your domains EMD or if they are PMD what do you usually put at the end? Thanks