Every month I publish an income report…why? Good question
1. Accountability
With all the shiny objects out there it’s easy to spend WAY more than you’re earning. Luckily I realized this early on and I’ve kept detailed records of my expenses ever since. That being said, I know that there are certain expenses that are NECESSARY when running a business. As much as I don’t want to pay for them, I need to pay for my email autoresponder, website hosting, and video hosting every month. It’s just a part of doing business. There are other things that I buy as well, but I try my best to keep my expenses SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than my revenue. If I can do that then I’m ahead of the game.
2. Integrity
On my show I ask my guests a lot of personal questions. One that frequently comes up is “How much do you make?”. I feel like I need to reveal my own income if I’m going to be asking others the same question. It only seems right.
3. Perspective
There are a lot of online marketers out there who fake-it-till-they-make-it. In other words, they fudge their numbers and exaggerate their earnings in order to establish false authority in their niche. My goal is that by watching my income grow slowly over time you’ll realize that there is no get-rich-quick button.
Here’s my results for April, 2018
9,588 page views (-2,104 from March)
23,870 Youtube channel views (-5,554 from March)
139,602 Youtube minutes watched (-18,543 from March)
Email subscribers: 20,760 (+2,047 subscribers from March)
MyMailit prizes: $12,050 – Prize money paid to affiliates who promoted our launch
Virtual assistant: $800 – I have an assistant help with all my promotions, including copywriting, scheduling, and posting.
Tax return: $600 – My yearly tax return fees…I highly recommend Josh Baerle at CPA on Fire if you need someone who understand online business taxes.
Paypal fees: $220.66
Aweber: $130 – This is my list building software that allows me to email everyone when there’s a new interview or review
Facebook ads: $85.02 – I’ve been experimenting with FB ads on my JV promos, doing giveaways of IM products, and testing other niches
Logo: $76.99 – Paid to our graphic designer for an upcoming project
Zapier: $59.57
inCorp: $59 – My registered agent for my business
Internet: $50 – This is what I pay for my fiber Internet in Turkey
ZenDesk: $50 – Brett and I use this for our helpdesk for our launches
Gusto: $45 – This is the company I use for my SCORP payroll
Docusign: $40
ManyChat: $40 – A service that I use to build a Facebook messenger list
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.95 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
Schedule Once: $19
Wufoo: $19 – This is the form we use for coaching applications
Audible: $15.77 – Business books to further my education
iCloud: $9.99 – I use this to store my documents online
Skype: $9.99 for premium – I do all my interviews with Skype and Ecamm call recorder on a Mac.
Amazon S3: $8.43 – I use this to host images, bonuses, and videos
TinyPNG: $6.58
Vault Press: $5 – A quick and easy tool that I use to backup my website
Jvzoo seller fees: $.85
Total expenses: $14,420.80 (+$10,760.17 spent compared to March)
Theme Maker: $2,773 from review and interview with Mikey Formby
LetMailbox: $2,603.50 from review and interview with Vipul Garg
Traffic Victory: $2,100.98 from review and interview with Marc Gray
Real Specific: $771 from review and interview with Shane Brooks
Viddictive 2.0: $1,715.80 from review and interview with Mario Brown
Traffic Trigger 2.0: $1,335.08 from review and interview with Art Flair
IM Checklist Volume 5: Video Marketing: $518.87 from review and interview with Kevin Fahey
Bing Bang Profits: $245 from review and interview with Demetris Papadopolous
Bloom: $184.99 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
Video Robot: $183.46 from review and interview with Todd Gross
Easy VSL 2.0: $153.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Video Traffic Genie (CLOSED): $149.04 from review and interview with Paul Venables
Funnel Secrets: $111.60 from review
5 Minute Niche Money Sites: $103.85 from review and interview with Andy Brocklehurst
Ascend Pages: $100.83 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Leads Machine: $99.52 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
AdReel: $66.60 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
Shopabot: $51.91 from review and interview with Cindy Donovan
Storie: $51.80 from review and interview with Mario Brown
Affiliate Funnel Clones: $50.50 from review and interview with Alan Magliocca
Azon Authority: $48.84 from review and interview with Sean Donahoe
Commissionology: $45.07 from review and interview with Michael Cheney
Thrive Leads: $45 from review and interview with Shane Melaugh
Viddyoze 2.0: $44.40 from review and interview with Viddyoze team
Social Traffic Jacker (CLOSED): $37 from review and interview with Tony Hayes
Live Caster: $36.90 from review and interview with Cyril Gupta
Vidicle: $33.70 from review and interview with Andy Brocklehurst
Repwarn reseller : $33.50 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Video Ads Traffic: $33.50 from review and interview with Adam Payne
WP Ultra Pop: $32.89 from review and interview with Declan Mc
XLeads360: $32.50 from review and interview with Adrian Isfan
Drop Mock Video: $29.60 from review and interview with Lee Pennington
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
vRankerPro: $28.20 from review and interview with Andy Black
Arbitrage Underdog 5.0: $25.84 from review and interview with Tom E.
Instant Spokesperson: $24.50 from review
PBN Builder: $23.50 from review and interview with Joshua Zamora
Video Traffic X (CLOSED): $23.50 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
InstaSuite (CLOSED): $23.50 from webinar with Neil Napier
Smarketly: $22.40 from review and interview with Simon Sela
Ad Buddy: $22.20 from review and interview with Tom Yevsikov
InstaEasy: $22 from review and interview with Luke Maguire
Rank Cipher: $21 from review and interview with Muhammad Azhar
Mobilee: $18.85 from review and interview with Jono Armstrong
Flick Graph: $18.58 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Fresh Title: $18.50 from review and demo video from Dave Guindon
Viral Loop: $18.50 from review and interview with Cindy Donovan
Flow Traffic: $18.50 from review and interview with Neil Napier
Blox: $18.10 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
eCom Pages: $16.45 from review and interview with Mo Aguel
Live Event Blaster 2.0: $13.88 from being cookied
Vidgeos: $13.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Videlligence: $12 from review and interview with Mario Brown
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Pimpr: $8.58 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
Designo Pro 2.0: $8.50 from review and interview with Todd Gross
Social Kickstart: $8.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Discover: $5.99 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Webinar X: $5.99 from review and interview with Neil Napier
2016 Traffic and Conversion Summit Notes (CLOSED): $4.96 from review and interview with Tim Castleman
Total revenue from interviews and reviews: $14,322.33 (-$4,930.84 from March)
MyMailit: $86,217.95 – My earnings from our MyMailit launch
InstaFunnel Agency: $9,429.39 – My commission from our MyMailit backend webinar
MyMailit launch costs: $6,950 – Brett sent me his share of the launch costs
Mail It: $136.65 – My earnings from a launch I did in August, 2016 with Brett Rutecky
Hijax: $117.67 – My earnings from a launch I did with Brett Rutecky in February, 2018
Google Adsense: $71.90 – Earnings from Youtube and Adsense
Insta Funnel agency: $61.45 – My earnings from a webinar I did with Brett
Profit Canvas Unlimited: $43 – My commission from a private webinar Brett Rutecky and I did
Resell Rights Weekly: $41.91 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Autonars: $38.54 – My earnings from a launch I did with Brett Rutecky in June, 2017
Social Robot JV commission: $32.79 – This my cut from a launch I did with Joshua Zamora in early 2015
Instant Video Pages: $27.92 – My earnings from a launch Brett and I did in November, 2017
Keyword Suggestions JV commission: $17.44 – This is my cut from a launch I did with Radu in September, 2015
Affiliate Income Secrets: $17 – My product teaching how I make money from affiliate marketing
Group Traffic Profits: $13.96 – My earnings from a launch I did in December, 2016 with Brett Rutecky
Total from OTHER streams of income: $101,414.82 (+$87,158.31 from March)
Total Revenue: $117,539.90 (+$84,030.22 from March)
Total Profit: $103,119.10 (+$73,270.05 from March)
Wow, that’s definitely my best month EVER!
My previous best month was in August, 2016 when we launched the first version of Mail It, and I made a profit of $77,536.87.
Why was this my best month ever?
Brett Rutecky and I launched the cloud-based version of the Mail It software. It’s called MyMailit. My earnings from this launch itself were $86,217.95, so yes, this is THE reason I had such a great month.
This launch was definitely the most successful one that I’ve ever been involved in. We sold over $350,000 in about three days, which is pretty amazing
It was nice to have a big win after our last few launches. Let’s take a look at our total sales per launch record:
April 8th, 2018 – MyMailit: $350,000
February 22nd, 2018 – Hijax: $42,000
November, 24th 2017 – Instant Video Pages: $56,000
September 10th, 2017 – Social Traffic System: $55,000
June 15th, 2017 – Autonars: $114,000
April 23, 2017 – Board Commander: $148,000
March 4th, 2017 – ReEngager: $36,000
February 15, 2017 – Review Wizard: $83,000
December 2nd, 2016 – Group Traffic Profits: $99,853
August 19th, 2016 – Mailit: $203,287
June 19th, 2016 – Video Course Cash Kit: $61,000
May 8th, 2016 – Affiliate Trax: $117,000
March 4th, 2016 – Video Takeover: $156,000
October, 25th 2015 – Profit Canvas $227,000
June 30th, 2015 – Soci Vids – $269,000
Total: $2,017,140
It’s pretty amazing to think that we’ve done over $2 million over the last 3 years.
However MyMailit did more total sales than our 4 previous launches before it combined.
Why was MyMailit such a successful launch?
When Brett and I were planing out the sales funnel and launch strategy for MyMailit we decided to look back at our most successful previous launches and model the things we did right. Here’s the reason why I think it did so well:
Amazing software – One thing about working with Brett Rutecky is that I always know that his software is going to work Now I know that might seem like something obvious, but having worked closely in the “dirty” Internet marketing niche for the last six years now I’ve seen a lot of shitty products that get launched…and surprisingly even sell well. However, Brett and I have built a reputation for releasing quality software that solves problems in a simple-to-use way. This reputation made it easy, as always, to bring in affiliate partners to promote, and it also made it easier for customers to trust us and purchase because they trust our brand.
Irresistible offer – This wasn’t just a great software. It was the offer that made this sell so well. Most autoresponders are monthly payments. This was one-time. Plus the fact that customers could use either Gmail or their hosting as their SMTP service to send emails with made it a no-brainer for many.
Proof – Brett uses the software entirely for his business. He even deleted his Aweber account. The fact that the creator has so much faith in his own product to entirely put his business in it’s hands is a huge selling point. Along with that, we were able to use income proof for his affiliate promos where he made money 100% using the software. Unfortunately nowadays people just slap up Jvzoo income proof on any old sales page…but ours was 100% legit.
Anticipation – Leading up to the launch Brett ran Facebook ads targeting our customer lists. This built up a ton of hype and got people truly waiting for the product to launch.
Launch date– Fortunately there were no other big launches overlapping ours. In my experience, picking the wrong date can completely screw up your launch. I never understand why people would ever put their launch on the same day as another big launch…it just doesn’t make sense.
More Prize money – I’ll admit it. In our previous launches we had started getting complacent with prize money. In the past we used to give out $8,000 to $10,000 in prizes…and then we started giving out $5k, $4k, or even as low as $3k. This is just cheap. On MyMailit we ended giving out more than $12,000 in prizes…and it was worth it as it got affiliates excited and even helped to bring in some new affiliates.
Higher prices in funnel – One mistake we’ve made in the past is having our prices too low in the funnel. On MyMailit we had a $34 to $47 price on the front end during the launch, with a $67 OTO1, $147 OTO2, and a $47 OTO3. These prices made it so that affiliates were making good money…and of course we were too.
Wider niche – Since Brett and I mostly do affiliate marketing and product creation, it only makes sense that most of our products are about this niche. However, there’s a reason why niches like “Video”, “Traffic”, and “Make Money Online” do well…it’s because there’s a lot of people buying products in these niches. However our recent products have been a little too niche.
Custom bonuses – In general affiliate marketers are lazy. Some of them create big bonus packages of their own, but I’ve found that the more you do for them the better. That’s why we created a monster resell-rights bonus package that we let affiliates give away to help sell…and it worked really well.
What could we have done better?
Recurring Income – The biggest problem with most of the launches that we’ve done is they’ve been one-time income events. We make a lot of money in a 3-day period and then the launch income is over. Yes, of course we can sell the product later on down the road, but any additional sales will require traffic and sales effort from us.
This problem is something we’re looking on fixing in the future. One thing I don’t want to do, however, is reduce total sales simply to have recurring income in the future.
So that’s it for this month. One bad thing about having record-breaking months is that it raises the bar up and makes it hard to beat in the future. I honestly don’t know when I’ll have such an amazing month again as I’ll be taking it easy for the rest of the year.
Oh, I also took a little weekend trip to a place called Cappadocia, Turkey with some friends. Here are some pictures and videos:
The below video is the view from our hotel balcony early in the morning when the hot air balloons were taking off.

O m g
Well deserved
No comment i leave can justify how impressed i am
Thanks, Shaun. It’s been a long journey since our IM Goldmine days
I think the same. !!!!
Thank you, Mike,
Enjoy your time in Turkey. The time off will increase your creativity and rest is such a good catalyst fornew ideAS.
I will be going full-time in 10 months so it is very useful to read this post. Thank you for your transparency. Great partner in Brett but I have been a fan since you were with Mr.X
Thanks, Anna. I appreciate you following me for so long. Good luck on going full time in 10 months.
Well deserved Michael. MyMailIt was a great launch! Congrats
Thanks, Rashvin. It was definitely our best ever.
Very interesting read mate. Especially loved and learned a lot from “Why was MyMailit such a successful launch?”
Need to keep those things in mind!
Hope that you and family are well and looking forward to hitting your next launch!
My Best,
Thanks, Marc. I wish I could do SEO as good as you