Every month I publish an income report…why? Good question 🙂
1. Accountability
With all the shiny objects out there it’s easy to spend WAY more than you’re earning. Luckily I realized this early on and I’ve kept detailed records of my expenses ever since. That being said, I know that there are certain expenses that are NECESSARY when running a business. As much as I don’t want to pay for them, I need to pay for my email autoresponder, website hosting, and video hosting every month. It’s just a part of doing business. There are other things that I buy as well, but I try my best to keep my expenses SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than my revenue. If I can do that then I’m ahead of the game.
2. Integrity
On my show I ask my guests a lot of personal questions. One that frequently comes up is “How much do you make?”. I feel like I need to reveal my own income if I’m going to be asking others the same question. It only seems right.
3. Perspective
There are a lot of online marketers out there who fake-it-till-they-make-it. In other words, they fudge their numbers and exaggerate their earnings in order to establish false authority in their niche. My goal is that by watching my income grow slowly over time you’ll realize that there is no get-rich-quick button.
Here’s my results for January, 2018
12,259 page views (+4,119 from December)
25,984 Youtube channel views (+2,600 from December)
132,070 Youtube minutes watched (+2,194 from December)
Email subscribers: 19,556 (-908 subscribers from December) *I did some list cleaning
Webinar commissions: $1,337 – Sent Brett Rutecky his half of commissions from a webinar we did with Chris Munch
Facebook ads: $416.10 – I’ve been experimenting with FB ads on my JV promos, doing giveaways of IM products, and testing other niches
Hijax sales copy 50% payment: $250 – Paid Joshua Hayes for copy, but ended up not using it
Paypal fees: $217.04
SunBiz Scorp Yearly fees: $138.75
Aweber: $130 – This is my list building software that allows me to email everyone when there’s a new interview or review
Internet: $50 – This is what I pay for my fiber Internet in Turkey
ZenDesk: $50 – Brett and I use this for our helpdesk for our launches
Gusto: $45 – This is the company I use for my SCORP payroll
SSL certificate: $40 – Got an SSL certificate for Profit Canvas
ManyChat: $30 – A service that I use to build a Facebook messenger list
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.95 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
eCam Facebook software: $19.95 – A new software for broadcasting interviews on Facebook
Wufoo: $19 – This is the form we use for coaching applications
Schedule Once: $19
Amazon S3: $18.92 – I use this to host images, bonuses, and videos
Audible: $15.77 – Business books to further my education
iCloud: $9.99 – I use this to store my documents online
Skype: $9.99 for premium – I do all my interviews with Skype and Ecamm call recorder on a Mac.
Vault Press: $5 – A quick and easy tool that I use to backup my website
Jvzoo seller fees: $2.55
Total expenses: $2,844.01 (+$816.19 spent compared to December)
Storie: $4,271 from review and interview with Mario Brown
Bloom: $2,303.60 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
VidInflux: $1,910.95 from review and interview with Tom Yevsikov
IM Funnels: $1,899.24 from review and interview with Kevin Fahey
Alterzon: $1,506.86 from review and interview with Ben Murray
Social Traffic Jacker: $1,326.52 from review and interview with Ankur Shukla
Traffic Xtractor 2.0: $794.05 from review and interview with Art Flair
EverFunnels: $766 from webinar
PlayTraffic: $762.79 from review and interview with Cyril Gupta
Printly 2.0: $551.85 from review and interview with Ike Paz
Cloud Create: $407.91 from review and interview with Radu Hahaianu
Recastly: $336.50 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Fan Marketer: $315.60 from review and interview with Dan Green
InstaEasy: $267 from review and interview with Luke Maguire
P1 Profits: $196.60 from review and interview with Joshua Zamora
Ascend Pages: $182.50 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Auto Profit System: $152.70 from review and interview with Craig Crawford
Incomely: $135.14 from review and interview with Art Flair
AdReel: $100.10 from review and interview with Ryan Phillips
vRankerPro: $85.48 from review and interview with Andy Black
Viddyoze 2.0: $83.25 from review and interview with Viddyoze team
Easy VSL 2.0: $75 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Flick Graph: $74.56 from review and interview with Andrew Darius
Social Traffic Jacker: $74 from review and interview with Tony Hayes
Ad Connect: $68.89 from review and interview with Neil Napier
Instant Funnel Lab: $63.98 from review and interview with Glynn Kosky
VSource: $61.95 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
Smarketly: $61.80 from review and interview with Simon Sela
Instant Spokesperson: $48 from review
Affiliate Rebirth: $44.55 from review and interview with Greg Kononenko
XLeads360: $37.78 from review and interview with Adrian Isfan
My Product Store: $33.50 from review and interview with Chris Hitman
FB Engagr: $33.50 from review and interview with Seun Ogundele
Repwarn reseller : $33.50 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Ignition: $31.49 from review and interview with Brendan Mace
Drop Mock Video: $29.60 from review and interview with Lee Pennington
Convertri 2017: $29.10 from review and interview with Andy Fletcher
Vidgeos: $27 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Commissionology: $27 from review and interview with Michael Cheney
Script Engage 2.0: $23.50 from review and interview with Sam Bakker
Video Traffic X (CLOSED): $23.50 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Video Marketing Blaster: $23.50 from review and interview with Ali G.
InstaSuite (CLOSED): $23.50 from webinar with Neil Napier
5 Day Profits: $20.04 from review and interview with Mark Barrett
Adsvisor 2.0 $19 from review and interview with Abhi Dwivedi
Viral Loop: $18.50 from review and interview with Cindy Donovan
Click MSG: $18.50 from review and interview with Brad Stephens
Discover: $17.97 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
eCom Pages: $16.45 from review and interview with Mo Aguel
Local Animation Studio: $14.98 from review and interview with Matt Bush
Email Click Magnet 2.0: $13.50 from review
Press Play 2.0: $13.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
Videlligence: $12 from review and interview with Mario Brown
Funnel Secrets: $11.10 from review
Viddictive: $10.80 from review and interview with Mario Brown
HydraVid (CLOSED): $9.98 from review and interview with Walt Bayliss
Affiliazon: $9.45 from review and interview with Kurt Chrisler
Pimpr: $8.58 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
Designo Pro 2.0: $8.50 from review and interview with Todd Gross
Social Kickstart: $8.50 from review and interview with Mark Thompson
2016 Traffic and Conversion Summit Notes (CLOSED): $4.96 from review and interview with Tim Castleman
Total revenue from interviews and reviews: $19,541.15 (+$4,967.588 from December)
Press Cable: $2,674.75 – My earnings from private webinar with Chris Munch and Jay Cruz
Coaching: $2,250 – My earnings from private coaching that Brett and I do together
Board Commander (CLOSED): $2,142.80 – My earnings from private webinar
Instant Video Pages: $103.30 – My earnings from a launch Brett and I did in November, 2017
Google Adsense: $87.12 – Earnings from Youtube and Adsense
Autonars: $81.72 – My earnings from a launch I did with Brett Rutecky in June, 2017
Resell Rights Weekly: $56.58 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Affiliate Income Secrets: $52.64 – My product teaching how I make money from affiliate marketing
Insta Funnel agency: $49.16 – My earnings from a webinar I did with Brett
Mail It: $44.67 – My earnings from a launch I did in August, 2016 with Brett Rutecky
Profit Canvas Unlimited: $43 – My commission from a private webinar Brett Rutecky and I did
Keyword Suggestions JV commission: $36.72 – This is my cut from a launch I did with Radu in September, 2015
Social Robot JV commission: $32.79 – This my cut from a launch I did with Joshua Zamora in early 2015
Affiliate Trax: $27.92 – This is my cut from a launch I did with Brett in May, 2016
Group Traffic Profits: $13.96 – My earnings from a launch I did in December, 2016 with Brett Rutecky
Social Traffic System: $9.75 – My earnings from a launch I did with Brett Rutecky in September, 2017
Profit Canvas Pro: $9.21 from a product Brett Rutecky and I launched in 2015
Total from OTHER streams of income: $7,716.09 (-$4,460.23 from December)
Total Revenue: $27,257.24 (+$507.35 from December)
Total Profit: $24,413.23 (-$308.84 from December)
I can’t believe it’s February already. January sped by. Before you know it it’s going to be 2019!
This was more a month of preparation for 2018 than anything else.
I was a bit worried that I wouldn’t hit my monthly goal of $20k in profits, but I breezed by it. In fact, I made only $200 less than last January.

I wish I had lots of crazy adventures to tell you about this month, or big product launches to share numbers and strategies with you about, but quite frankly, it was a pretty boring month 🙂 My wife and I rang in the New Year with our in laws and had a big Turkish-style dinner with the family…and of course we at turkey!

I also learned how to make a new dish in the kitchen (yes I can cook). I made my first Dutch baby, which is a fancy name for a German pancake, and actually has nothing to do with the “Dutch” at all.
Plans for the Upcoming Months
It’s looking to be a busy first part of the year. Brett and I are launching our Hijax software at the end of February, and then we’ve got our MyMailIt launch on April 8th. I’ve had to really get organized so that I get everything that needs to be done finished on time.
So, I thought I’d share with you the tools I’m currently using to keep organized in my business.
Here are some of the tools I use in my business:
Trello: This is THE tool I use to keep my promos organized. My VA and I use this to as a way of keeping track of where a promo is at and what still needs to be done. I also have it set up so I get notifications if my VA has begun working on a promo. It saves me a ton of time and decreases the need to go back and forth with him. I’m always looking for ways of streamlining my business and this has saved me a ton of time.
Slack: This is how my VA and I communicate with each other through text messages. I like it because I get a notification both on my phone and desktop. There’s also advanced functions, but I just use it for basic messaging.
Apple and Google Calendars: This is just a simple calendar app. You can use Google calendar as well if you’re on a PC. For me it’s super important that I stay organized with my launches and promos or I will easily fall behind.
Todist: This is a fairly new addition to my tookit. I’ve been using it to keep track of things that I need to do during the week. It also has “recurring” items so I can have them repeat every day and create a schedule of daily and monthly things to get done.
Evernote: This is my goto tool for keeping track of everything. I use it to save everything from articles to tax info to documents for launches…it’s my second brain 🙂 I use an upgraded paid version of it, but there are free accounts that you can get started with.
So those are the main tools I use in my business to keep organized. Let me know in the comments below what tools YOU use in your business so I can take them for a test drive 🙂
Congratulations on hitting your income goal for the month!
I’m a big fan of ClickFunnels. Love the software and the culture.
Have a good one!