14,953 (-286 from March) page views in April
3,889 (-487) iTunes downloads
7,171 (+2,065 ) Youtube channel views
53,606 (+12,071) minutes watched
Aweber subscribers: 3,992 (-50 subscribers)
Twitter followers: 4,372 (+725 followers)
Facebook Fans: 448 (+14)
Facebook Advertising: $10.51 (interview promotion)
Aweber: $49 – This is my list building software that allows me to email everyone when there’s a new interview
Host Gator hosting: $40 – I host all my niche sites and this site on multiple hosting accounts
Libsyn: $75 – I host my podcast with this so I can put it on iTunes $29.99 – This is the membership fee I pay to be able to buy solo ads from people who have been rated by previous buyers
Vagex: $30 – SEO views for Youtube videos that helps them rank
Warrior Forum Ads: $60 – These are fees for advertising my websites for sale in the Warrior Forum
Hello Bar: $5
Free Jing and ScreenCast Subscription for easily explaining things to workers : $10
Kindle Editing: $10 I have a great editor that I’ll be happy to share with anyone who’s interested
Kindle eBook writing: $55.56 I outsourced my eBooks on oDesk
Optimize Press: $97 The theme I’ll be using for my membership sites
Podcast Transcription: $33.33
eBook Covers: $10
Kinstant Publisher: $27
Skype: $20
Total expenses: $562.39 (-$160.77 compared to March)
The Money Tree (CLOSED): $314.85 from interview with Russ Ruffino
IntelliTheme (CLOSED): $212.91 from interview with Joe Magnotti from the Empire Flippers
List Frenzy (CLOSED): $198 from interview with Anton Nadilo and Andre Stoelinga
Mini Affiliate Sites course (CLOSED): $152.75 from interview with David McGimpsey
Project X Tube (CLOSED): $107.52 from interview with Cliff Carrigan
SE Prince (CLOSED): $93.83 from interview with Dontrell Lyons
Video Conversion Cash Machine (CLOSED): $82.56 from interview with Mike Thomas Marin
30 Minute Web Commercials: $78.86 from interview with Peter Beattie
Smart Web Formula: $67.01 from interview with Jon Shawcross
Love Claw (CLOSED): $61.40 from interview with Chris Munch
Inner Circle Solo Ads (CLOSED): $38.80 from interview with Rob Stafford
WP Connect (CLOSED): $38.15 from interview with Kevin Docherty
Kindle Day Job Killer (CLOSED): $35.08 from interview with Martin Kerrigan
PLR Video Smackdown: $31.05 from interview with Peter Beattie
eCommerce Mastery: $30.84 from interview with Sam England and Sean Colman
The Money Trigger (CLOSED): $29.85 from interview with Alex Jeffreys
Penny Stock Conspiracy (CLOSED): $27.75 from interview with Tim Sykes
Auto Webinar Press (CLOSED): $27 from interview with Mohammed Ali
Long Tail Pro: $22.20 from interview with Spencer Haws
Kindle Marketing Reloaded: $22.11 from interview with Andreas Quintana
Free The Boss (CLOSED): $19.45 from interview with Bill Guthrie
List Building in a Box (CLOSED): $18.94 from interview with Barry Rodgers
The Wise Old Email Gorilla: $17 from interview with Jimmy Wrex
From Bust to Business: $9.81 from interview with Fergal Downes
Membership Marketing Machine (CLOSED): $9 from interview with Gary Clucas
58,000 Visitors (CLOSED): $8.69 from interview with Ron Rule
How To Create a Squidoo Lens in Under an Hour (CLOSED): $8.07 from interview with Trevor Dumbleton
Secret Social Images: $5.90 from interview with Alessandro Zamboni
Total revenue from interviews: $1,769.38 (+197.88 from March)
Text link ads: $31.66– I make this income from an old website of mine.
SocialAdr: $5.60 – A hands-off way of getting more likes on tweets for your posts
Ezarticle link: $34 – This is reoccurring income from a video tutorial
Whoosh Traffic (CLOSED): $20 – A keyword tracker for monitoring multiple keyword rankings $15
Income Igniter (CLOSED): $9.23
Popup Domination: $119.98 from this post
Website sales: $967.50
Total from OTHER streams of income: $1,202.97 (+$836.13 from March)
Total Revenue: $2,972.35 (+$1,034.01 from March)
Total Profit: $2,409.96 (+$1,194.78 from March)
April was a GREAT month!
I’m really happy with my results for April. I think that I’ve been able to show that the interview method is a proven way to create both value AND profits. I’ve also been able to create tons of relationships that are INVALUABLE in themselves. I know that you’re following me so that you too can learn how to make money online, so as promised in my previous Income updates, I’ve got an interview course in the works so that you too can learn how to make a living doing interviews.
Adsense sites almost all sold
As mentioned last month, I’ve decided to move on from creating Adsense niche sites for the time being. That’s not to say that I won’t create them again in the future, but for the time being I’m going to focus on interviewing and creating products. I was able to sell almost $1,000 in niche sites in April, and I still have a few left for those interested HERE.
Kindle course almost complete
Last month I mentioned that I was working on a Kindle book creation course with Thomas Strock from Well, Thomas put together a FANTASTIC video course for me in a couple of days on EXACTLY how he’s able to get Kindle eBooks created and ranking in Amazon so that they consistently make him money every month. I followed his course carefully and recorded my progress and steps as I did what he said in the course. I’m really happy to announce that the first book that I’ve had written is already ranking #1 for it’s keyword in Amazon and has made over $50 this month already. It’s also ranking in the top 30,000 eBooks on Kindle!
Of course I’ll be sharing all this with you soon enough, but I want to make sure the whole product is READY and fine-tuned before we release it to the public. I want to make sure that you too can follow along and get the same results that I did.
Product launching course underway
I’ve been wanting to launch a product for the longest time, but I keep getting caught up on the little things. I wanted to launch my products the RIGHT WAY…meaning that I don’t want to make a big mistake that’s going to sabotage my success. So I got an idea. Why not interview ten product launching experts about their product launching process? I’ve already got a lot of connections from interviewing over 100 successful entrepreneurs, so why not leverage those connections and really find out what it takes to launch a product?
Well, I’ve taken action and I’ve interviewed five EXPERT product creators so far in order to create an AMAZING resource to help both me and YOU launch products. I’m planning on using the knowledge that I take from the interviews to create a step by step guide to launching a product in the best way possible. I’ll also be documenting the launch of THAT product through screen capture videos so you can watch over my shoulder as I go through the whole launching process. I really think that this is going to help a lot of people who have been on the fence about launching a product because they weren’t sure just how to do it.
I’ll be announcing more about this course as I work towards its completion.
And that’s it, folks. I’m writing this income report halfway through May, and I don’t expect May’s income report to be as impressive as April’s, but I’m really excited about the future of The Mike From Maine Show. I’m looking forward to learning more and helping you all overcome the boundaries that we all face when building a business.
Thanks for watching!
I like your video shows Mike from Maine….
I like that I can pick and choose from your emails which ones I want to watch.
See ya!
That’s EXACTLY what I want you to be able to do on my daily email list. Of course I don’t expect you to watch EVERY one, but you can pick and choose. Of course, feel free to watch them all
Well done Mike, good to see the site going from strength.
Thanks, Mark. Getting stronger, my friend.
Awesome Mike! Nice to see your success coming
Thanks, Dani. I appreciate you continued support with the Tweets…yes, I pay attention.
Great Mike! Also, I recommended your blog to this guy:
He is one of the most successfull bloggers from Germany and he features e bunch of blogs who show their income every month. Maybe he adds your blog too
Nice month Mike! Surprised the love claw interview with Chris Munch didn’t generate more income for you because that was a quality interview and a great product. Loved the great mix of useful info in the interview combined with the promotion of that product.
I was surprised as well. For some reason it just didn’t resonate with my audience, and that’s ok. I’m able to learn more each time by how many views each interview gets, how many people open the emails promoting them, and then by how many people buy as to WHAT you all are interested in.
Of course, I also appreciate comments on what you want here.
Greetings Mike- There is no need for case studies cuz almost everything you do here is an epic case study for anyone seriously considering making money online.
Best wishes
Thanks, man. Prepare for some great stuff in the next few months.
well done Mike, congratulations!
how big is your mailing list if I may ask?
I listed that at the top…it’s around 4,000 subscribers right now.
Great month again! You must be using the list building secrets
No secrets here…just using tactics that I talk about on my show.
Hey Mike,
Really good to see the green number. Your strategy is really cool. Great move to reduce dependence on Google and its mood swings (updates).
I also like seeing that green number
Relying on Google for traffic and income was always really stressful for me. I’m glad that I’m building a different kind of business.
Hey mate, its great to see someone guiding others in educating what actually helps generating revenues on the internet !!
Thanks, Kedar. I think way too many people are secretive about their sources of income. Let’s change that together.
Hey Mike, what are you using to rotate your tweets?
Thanks Mike! Talk to you in June
Great work,
Glad to see you gaining. Looks like its higher even without the site sales or am I missing something. Keep it up. I look forward to almost all your intereviews while running or whatever I might be upto. Honestly can’t believe your income isn’t higher, THIS site will become gold.
Thanks, buddy. I’m happy to be in your ear.
I’d also like the income to be a bit higher, but these things happen over time. Stay tuned.