28,111 page views (-164 from June)
14,750 Youtube channel views (+1,545 from June)
105,185 minutes watched (+8,728 from June)
Aweber subscribers: 5,791 (-1,634 subscribers from June…I deleted people who hadn’t opened an email in 3 months)
GetResponse subscribers: 2,092 (-1,086 subscribers from June…I also deleted people who hadn’t opened in 3 months from here)
Total email list subscribers: 7,883
Funnel Vision – Social Media Edition (CLOSED): $99.95 – A course from Ben Adkins about creating a profitable funnel from Facebook traffic
Aweber: $69 – This is my list building software that allows me to email everyone when there’s a new interview
Vimeo: $59.95
Skype: $50 for premium
GetResponse: $45 – This is the autoresponder I use for my buyer’s list and solo ads
oDesk Virtual Assistants: $39.59 – I have some workers helping me with daily tasks that don’t need me. I’m trying to outsource more and more daily.
Traffic Planet Hosting: $24.99 – The hosting account that I recently switched to. It’s super fast and I’m very happy with it.
Resell Rights Weekly: $19.95 – Reoccurring membership fee for the bonuses I add from my interviews and reviews
Facebook ads: $18.01
Click Magick: $17 – The awesome tool I use for tracking clicks, optins, and sales
WuFoo: $14.95
JVZoo Fees: $1.70
Total expenses: $460.09 (+$207.05 compared to June)
Instant Profit Silos: $941.96 from review and interview with Mark Bishop
Sales Automation Engine (CLOSED): $620.74 from review and interview with Olusegun Balogun
Zamurai Video Bootcamp: $612.96 from review and interview with Joshua Zamora
Easy Auto Tube (CLOSED): $605.87 from review and presell video
Offer Funnel (CLOSED): $438 from review and interview with Neil Napier
Retargeting Rebellion (CLOSED): $420.75 from review and interview with Gavin and Jake
Digital Product Machine (CLOSED): $408.04 from review and interview with Alex Jeffreys
Social Post Suite: $354.02 from review and interview with Eva Maria
WP Aviari (CLOSED): $300.13 from review and interview with Vas Blagodarskiy
Video Nova: $293.72 from review and interview with JF Garsula
Kindle Money Mastery: $281.94 from review and interview with Stefan Pylarinos
Super Easy Cash Machine (CLOSED): $268.11 from review and interview with Branden Pierce
Cray-Z E-Z Profits (CLOSED): $233.24 from review and interview with Fergal Downes
Solo Profits Blueprint (CLOSED): $205.65 from review and interview with James Canzanella
Video Maker FX: $186.20 from review and interview with Peter Roszak
My Marketing Results: $160.08 from review and presell video
Tee Cash Kit (CLOSED): $155.40 from review and interview with Nishant Bhardwaj
Rapid Content Wizard (CLOSED): $154 from review and interview with Sean Donahoe
CPA Evolution (CLOSED): $148.50 from review and interview with William Souza
Vid Infusion (CLOSED): $130.50 from review and interview with Josh Ratta
Fresh Bundle Master: $131.71 from review and interview with Carey Baird
Funnel Factories: $114.95 from review and interview with Barry Rodgers
EasyBay Pro: $95.61 from review and interview with Chris Guthrie
Covert Shirt Store: $93.40 from review and interview with Cindy Battye
Hero Tower (CLOSED): $80.50 from review and interview with Ross Carrel
Creative Post: $79.22 from review and interview with Guillermo Mata
Social Mobi Deals (CLOSED): $77.68 from review and interview with Karthik Ramani
30 Days to a Successful Info Business (CLOSED): $57.57 from review and interview with Sean Mize
Ad Factory: $55.54 from review and interview with Russ Schneider
MemberSonic Theme 2.0: $54.85 from review and interview with Andrew Hunter
Easy List Machine (CLOSED): $54 from review and interview with Glen Kirkham
AMZ Early Bird Commissions (CLOSED): $54 from review and interview with Rob Tierney
IMNow Webinar (CLOSED): $48.50 from review and interview with Keith Lynch
Video Jeet: $45.50 from review and interview with Cyril “Jeet” Gupta
Niche Synergy: $38.98 from interview and review with Mark Bishop
Arbitrage Underdog: $37 from interview with Tom E and review
Kindle Sales Rank Superhero: $32.22 from review and interview with Mike Balmaceda
TreasureCoach Linkedin (CLOSED): $31 from review and interview with Maksym V.
Solo Ad Professor: $27.93 from review and interview with Paul Nicholls
List Generator System (CLOSED): $23.76 from interview with Jason Fulton
Tee Profit Punch (CLOSED): $21.20 from review and interview with Travis Petelle
Video Traffic System (CLOSED): $19.23 from review and interview with Brad Scott
FB Fever: $17 from review and interview with AJ Montoya
Local Lead Alternator: $13.50 from review and interview with Ivana Bosnjak
Kindle Marketing Magic: $12.97 from review and interview with Mike Balmaceda
Video Ranking Machine: $10.20 from review and interview with Ray Lane
SEO Enigma Reloaded: $10.20 from review and interview with Jon Shawcross
Publicity Zoo course (CLOSED): $9.87 from interview with Dan Page
Five Minute Sales Letters (CLOSED): $8.76 from review and interview with Matt Cook
Laptop Laziness: $8.67 from review and interview with Bill Hugall
Fiverr Untapped: $6.05 from review and interview with John Shea
Youtube Quick Cash (CLOSED): $6.05 from review and interview with James Knight
Inner Circle Solo Ads 3.0 (CLOSED): $4.50 from interview with Rob Stafford
Total revenue from interviews: $8,301.93 (-$2,763.52 from June)
Private Coaching students: $3,994 – In this program I teach how to make money from affiliate marketing, list building, and product creation. I’m slowly accepting new students so if you’re interested in learning my secrets to making money online then APPLY HERE.
PLR Assassin: $86.49 – This is a website that has a ton of products that you can use as your own
Fiverr Secrets: $34– My product showing how I make about $500/month in extra income on Fiverr
Kindle earnings: $30.02
Long Tail Pro: $7.66 from interview with Spencer Haws
Warrior Jet Connect plugin (CLOSED): $7.33
Total from OTHER streams of income: $4,159.50 (+$3,587.90 from June)
Total Revenue: $12,461.43 (+$824.38 from June)
Total Profit: $12,001.34 (+$617.33 from June)
So it’s a new record! July was officially the BEST month of profits I’ve ever made from doing the Mike From Maine Show. With the combined income from interviews, reviews, and coaching, I was able to beat my best month (March) by $594.09
Here’s a list of past income reports from 2014 below:
January: $4,641.10
February: $7,471.62
March: $11,407.25
April: $10,569.20
May: $9,740.18
June: $11,384.01
July: $12,001.34
My all time best income report is still $13,155.67 from July, 2012, but that’s from a time when I was using a different income model from building Adsense niche sites (which I don’t do anymore since Google slapped me).
The funny thing is that I thought this was going to be a bad month for me. Traditionally Summer months can be a bit slow for Internet marketers as most of our customers are off on vacation and spending more time outside. Heck, even I spent a week on the coast of Turkey this month with my wife.
My affiliate income took a bit of a hit in July, but I made up for it by signing up two new students to my Elite Coaching program. That helped to balance out my income a bit, and I’m finding that I have a passion to teach. Getting results for myself is great and all, but there’s nothing like seeing someone who has been struggling online for years finally “get it” and make progress. I love it!
What did I do in July?
I finally put together a product explaining exactly how I make around $278/day online. I’ve been releasing it sneakily to a few people who can find it, but I won’t be doing a full launch of it until September when I’ve had the time to add some value-added upsells to it and test out conversions with solo ads.
What’s the product all about?
It teaches my 12-Step Blueprint that is responsible for my success. It goes over EXACTLY what I’ve done to build up my business so that you can copy it too.
I’ll also be including additional training on creating videos to promote affiliate offers and list building.
Now it’s YOUR turn. Is there anything that you want me to cover specifically in the course?
Leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to cover EVERYTHING I CAN inside the course.
Oh, and here are some pictures from July

Good stuff Mike.
Thanks, Rob. Great having you on the show last month.
Thanks, William
Thanks for sharing Mike. It’s really a big motivation and inspiration for guys like me that are still working towards making steady income online.
Thanks, Neels. That’s exactly why I post these…to motivate others and show that success doesn’t happen all at once…it takes time.
Great job! You are such an inspiration !
Thanks, Yordi…keep plugging along!
Way to keep crushing it man! Really happy to see your income growing.
Thanks, Joshua. It’s a good feeling to be making $10,000 more than I was making last July
You deserve it Mike, always a pleasure doing your interviews
It’s great having you on, Mark…great launch last month!